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Cricket Companion (Crick Chat) Issues. Some time image thumbnail not receiving -User share image, But image not receiving properly and some invalid sign.

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Presentation on theme: "Cricket Companion (Crick Chat) Issues. Some time image thumbnail not receiving -User share image, But image not receiving properly and some invalid sign."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cricket Companion (Crick Chat) Issues

2 Some time image thumbnail not receiving -User share image, But image not receiving properly and some invalid sign are displaying. -In this case another issue I am facing that whenever user receive invalid image then background sound not stopping. Until unless user stop it forcefully from app manager. Steps to Reproduce: 1)Launch app through image notification 2)Open notified user chat room 3)Observe result Fixed, there was some lost of message packets during image sharing, fixed now, please test it further

3 New CC User User exist in my contact list While existing user become CC user then my contacts list are update and it is showing this user as a CC user. when I press this user from contact list then app is crashed. Steps to Reproduce: 1)Launch app 2)Observe contacts are synced 3)On device b save contact number of device a 4)Install app on device b 5)Observed at device a contact will become cc user, now you can see that contact in cc contact list. 6)Click on that cc user 7)Observe result Fixed

4 Crash I send image to user Grand 2 and move back to CC users screen and then again press on user Grand 2. App is crashed. Steps to Reproduce: 1)Launch app 2)Send image to any cc user 3)Move back to CC user screen 4)Click on that cc user whom you sent image 5)Observe result Fixed

5 Profile Name I have observed that users contact list name are displaying in CC User list instead of profile name. It will remain as it is, profile name just used to IOS push notification, we prefer to show contact name, because user save that name by himself, so will be easy to know about message sender(See Whatsapp behavior, they show phone book name too)

6 Crash on search Contact When I scroll contact list and enter some text in contact search bar, app is crashed. Observed in Samsung Note 4 Steps to Reproduce: 1)Launch app 2)Go to Contacts Screen 3)Go to All tab 4)Scroll Contacts towards bottom 5)Write some text in contact search bar 6)Observe result Fixed

7 Code Verification Screen I have observed that when I enter wrong code in code field for verification and I press back button from device, keypad hide and when again I press back button from instead of ok button then code verification blank screen appears. Note: I have observed, many times I found duplications of different screen, while using app. Steps to Reproduce: 1)Launch app 2)Enter number for verification code 3)Enter Wrong Code 4)Press twice back button from device and observe the result Fixed, It was a screen duplication issue, and has been fixed now.

8 Auto Refresh I have observed that auto refresh is not working in case of changing profile pictures of my cc user or mine. Steps to Reproduce: 1)Launch app 2)Go to settings 3)Go to profile screen 4)Edit your picture 5)Observe result in cc user screen for this use app on second device or save your number in your own device Yes, this feature is not implemented yet in our application, so that’s why not available in CrickChat application too

9 Profile picture I have observed that while I am using app first time and goes to profile screen and take picture from camera, app is not allowing me to set my picture using crop app or sometimes it crashed. Observed in Huawei device Note: This issue occurs rarely. Steps to Reproduce: 1)Launch app 2)Register yourself 3)Go to profile screen 4)Take picture from camera and observe result. Could not reproduce, tested on 2 different Huawei devices took multiple pictures form camera but unable to reproduce

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