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SeETL Demonstration 22 Data Modelling 20/07/2013

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1 SeETL Demonstration 22 Data Modelling 20/07/2013

2 Agenda  Features of SeETL Data Modelling  Demonstration of SeETL Data Modelling  Pricing  Summary

3 Features of SeETL Data Modelling  Simple, intuitive, spreadsheet interface  No “coding” required  Minimal amount of effort to create and maintain models  We experience about 5x productivity improvement  You know the sql generated works esp sql server  Best used on SQL Server but works on others

4 Features of SeETL Data Modelling 1.Generate Data Model Views 2.Generate Data Model Documentation Tables 3.Generate Data Model Constraints 4.Load Data Model Views Documentation into Dictionary 5.Load Data Model Joins into Dictionary 6.Generate the Data Model Real tables 7.Load Generated SQL Statements into the Dictionary 8.Generate Count Input Rows SQL 9.Generate Runstats SQL 10.Generate Create Table as Select SQL 11.Generate Create Index Statements 12.Generate Create Storage Statements 13.Generate Create Permission Statements 14.Generate Generic Objects Statements 15.Load Create Table Documentation into the Dictionary 16.Load Create Table as Select Documentation into the Dictionary 17.Load Create Index Documentation into the Dictionary 18.Load Create Storage Documentation into the Dictionary 19.Load Create Permissions Documentation into the Dictionary 20.Load Create Generic Objects Documentation into the Dictionary 21.Load Count Input Rows SQL Documentation into the Dictionary 22.Load Create Runstats Documentation into the Dictionary

5 Demonstration  Demonstration of SeETL Data Modelling  Vast examples in the GA Package  We recommend you review the data models managed by SeETL

6 Pricing  EUR 99.99 per annum per user  Just click the “buy now” button  Volume purchase agreements in store  For variations contact  Once payment is made we will issue the licenses to the email addresses of the license holders  Independent of base feature set  Only your DBAs would use this

7 Summary  Features of SeETL Data Modelling  Demonstration of SeETL Data Modelling  Pricing  Summary

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