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 Industry standard for interacting with relational databases  Statements to Enter, Retrieve, Modify, Remove & Display data stored in database tables.

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2  Industry standard for interacting with relational databases  Statements to Enter, Retrieve, Modify, Remove & Display data stored in database tables ◦ Pose Ad-Hoc Queries ◦ Create Various Objects ◦ Perform Database Maintenance  Works with SQL-Server and almost all other data management sytems

3  Query Statements  Data Definition Language Statements  Data Manipulation Language Statements  Transaction Control Statements  Data Control Language Statements

4  Retrieve rows from one or more tables ◦ Select Statement  SELECT  FROM  WHERE  GROUP BY  HAVING  ORDER BY

5  Define Structures that make up the database ◦ Tables ◦ Views  CREATE  ALTER  DROP  RENAME  TRUNCATE

6  Modify the contents of tables ◦ INSERT ◦ UPDATE ◦ DELETE

7  Tools to make changes to rows permanent, or to revoke the changes ◦ COMMIT ◦ ROLLBACK ◦ SAVEPOINT

8  Who has access to what tables  Who can log into the SQL Server System  Access and Privileges for each user for various tables ◦ GRANT ◦ REVOKE

9  Write SQL statements to accomplish a database task  SQL-Server  SQL Server Management Studio Interface  Can be written on multiple lines (cannot split words)  Cannot abbreviate words  Separate words by at least one white space  Not Case Sensitive  Commas separate lists  Period delimits two names (tableName.fieldName)  Single Quotation marks enclose literal character strings (including dates)  Semicolon indicates the end of a SQL Statement

10 11/30/201510  SQL SELECT Statement  Column References  ORDER BY Clause  WHERE Clause  SQL Statement String Construction

11 11/30/201511  Syntax: SELECT [DISTINCT | ALL] { * | } FROM [WHERE ] [GROUP BY ] [HAVING ] [ORDER BY ]

12 11/30/201512  Syntax: [[AS] ]  Derived column may ◦ Be a column ◦ Contain an expression referencing one or more columns ◦ Contain function arguments  The ‘AS’ is for an alias, or alternate name, for the derived column result

13 11/30/201513 SELECT First, Last, City SELECT Player.First, Team.Location SELECT Price * Qty AS InvoiceAmount SELECT First, [Last Name] AS Last SELECT Max(TeamId) SELECT Avg(Price) SELECT IsNull(Name) SELECT DISTINCT State SELECT * SELECT Player.*, Team.Nickname

14 11/30/201514  Specifies which records from the tables listed in the FROM clause are affected by the SELECT statement  Only those records satisfying are included in the result  is a logical expression which may include: ◦ One or more of four types of logical predicates ◦ the logical operators AND, OR, NOT

15 11/30/201515  WHERE clause has four logical predicates: ◦ comparisons w/relational operators ( =, >, <>) expression1 comparison-operator expression2 ◦ LIKE expression LIKE pattern ◦ IN expression [NOT] IN (value1, value2,...) ◦ BETWEEN expression [NOT] BETWEEN value1 AND value2

16 11/30/201516 WHERE City = ‘New Orleans’‘* relational ops WHERE Rate > 5.50 WHERE State LIKE ‘?L’‘* LIKE predicate WHERE [Last Name] LIKE ‘S*’ WHERE State IN (‘AL’, ‘MS’, ‘FL’)‘* IN predicate ‘* BETWEEN predicate WHERE Birthday BETWEEN #7/1/78# AND #7/30/78# WHERE [Pay Rate] BETWEEN 5.50 AND 10.00 ‘* multiple comparisons with AND, OR, NOT WHERE City=‘New Orleans’ AND Name LIKE ‘L*’ WHERE NOT State=‘AL’ AND Major=‘CIS’ WHERE Class=‘Union’ OR Rate>10.00

17 11/30/201517  Syntax: ORDER BY  Examples: ORDER BY LastName, FirstName ORDER BY HR DESC ORDER BY TeamId ASC, HR DESC

18 11/30/201518  Strings can be constructed in code with concatenation and variables can be concatenated into the string Dim Sql As String Sql = “Select LName, FName From Emp” Sql = Sql & “Where Title = ‘“ & cboTitle.Text & “‘;”  When variable contains a string surround it with quotes Sql = “Select... WHERE City=‘Jacksonville‘;” or Sql = “Select... WHERE City=‘“ & txtCity.Text & “‘;”  When variable contains numeric data do not use quotes Sql = “Select... WHERE Age > “ & intAge & “ ORDER BY Age”

19 11/30/201519  SQL INSERT statement ◦ Adds one or more rows to a table  SQL UPDATE statement ◦ Modifies one or more columns of one or more rows of a table  SQL DELETE statement ◦ Removes one or more rows from a table

20 11/30/201520  Syntax: INSERT INTO [( [{, }…])] VALUES ( [{, }…]) ◦ Second line is optional  If you omit, then values list must be complete and in order of field creation  If you include column list, values list must match column list in number and order (but not in field creation order

21 11/30/201521 INSERT INTO Team (League, Location, Nickname, Stadium) VALUES (‘AL’, ‘Mobile’, ‘Bay Bears’, ‘Hank Aaron Stadium’)

22 11/30/201522  Syntax: UPDATE SET [{, }…] [WHERE ] ◦ syntax: = ◦ Omitting WHERE updates all rows

23 11/30/201523 UPDATE Team SET Stadium=‘Citizens Bank Park’ WHERE Stadium=‘Veterans Stadium’ UPDATE Player SET HR=HR + 1 WHERE PlayerId=22

24 11/30/201524  Syntax: DELETE FROM [WHERE ] ◦ Omission of WHERE removes all rows

25 11/30/201525 DELETE FROM Team WHERE Nickname=‘Bay Bears’ DELETE FROM Team WHERE League NOT IN ('AL', 'NL')

26 11/30/201526  A function that generates a single value from a group of values ◦ often used with Group By and Having clauses ◦ a.k.a. set function  Examples: ◦ Avg, Count, Max, Min, and Sum

27 11/30/2015 27 Aggregate functionDescription AVG(expr) Average of the values in a column. The column can contain only numeric data. COUNT(expr), COUNT(*) A count of the values in a column (if you specify a column name as expr) or of all rows in a table or group (if you specify *). COUNT(expr) ignores null values, but COUNT(*) includes them in the count. MAX(expr) Highest value in a column (last value alphabetically for text data types). Ignores null values. MIN(expr) Lowest value in a column (first value alphabetically for text data types). Ignores null values. SUM(expr) Total of values in a column. The column can contain only numeric data.

28 11/30/201528  A query (SQL statement) that summarizes information from multiple rows by including an aggregate function such as Sum or Avg ◦ For example, you can create a query that averages the contents of a price column SELECT Avg(Price) AS AvgPrice FROM Book

29 11/30/201529  Aggregate queries can also display subtotal information by creating groups of rows that have data in common ◦ An example would be a query that displays the average price of a book for each publisher ◦ Use the GROUP BY clause SELECT PublisherID, Avg(Price) As AvgPrice FROM Book GROUP BY PublisherID

30 11/30/201530  Combines records with identical values in the specified field list into a single record.  Syntax: A summary value is created for each record if you include an SQL aggregate function, such as Sum or Count, in the SELECT statement.  For example total the home runs for each team: SELECT TeamId, Sum(HR) As TeamTotalHR FROM Player Group By TeamId SELECT SELECT FROM FROM [WHERE ] [GROUP BY ] [HAVING ]

31 11/30/201531  Use the WHERE clause to exclude rows you don't want grouped, and use the HAVING clause to filter records after they've been grouped.  For example, team’s with more than 100 homers: SELECT TeamId, Sum(HR) As TotalTeamHR FROM Player GROUP BY TeamId HAVING Sum(HR)>100  Or, a count of each team’s players with less than 10 homers: SELECT TeamId, Count(*) As LowHRcount FROM Player WHERE HR<10 GROUP BY TeamId

32  Direct Execution ◦ Communicate directly through a client application  SQL Server Management Studio  Module Binding ◦ Create blocks of SQL statements and combined with a complete application through a linker program  Embedded SQL ◦ Statements are placed directly into the host programming language (C++ or Java) ◦ Requires a SQL Server preprocessor  CLI (Call-Level Interface) ◦ Invoke SQL statements by passing the statements directly to the subroutines that process them ◦ Executed directly by the DBMS

33  Rich, Easy to Use environment for creating and executing SQL instructions  Windows dialog box  GUI Interface – closely matches Visual Studio.Net 2005 interface



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