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Continental Drift and Sea Floor Spreading Theory of Plate Tectonics Folding and Faulting Volcanoes and Earthquakes Random 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "Continental Drift and Sea Floor Spreading Theory of Plate Tectonics Folding and Faulting Volcanoes and Earthquakes Random 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 Continental Drift and Sea Floor Spreading Theory of Plate Tectonics Folding and Faulting Volcanoes and Earthquakes Random 100 200 300 400 500

2 100 pts.  What did Wegener call the super continent he believed existed millions of years ago when all of the continents were joined as one?

3 200 pts.  List three evidences Wegener used to support his theory that all the continents used to be joined together?

4 300 pts.  What kind of plate boundary causes sea floor spreading?

5 400 pts.  List three evidences that support Hess’s Theory of Sea Floor Spreading.

6 500 pts.  What volcanic mountain range is forming in South America as a result of the South American plate colliding with an oceanic plate?

7 Pangaea 100 pts.

8 Landforms, Fossils, Climate, Glacial scarring, and/or Rock types. 200 pts.

9 Divergent Boundary 300 pts.

10 age of ocean floor, record of magnetic reversals, and mid ocean ridges. 400 pts.

11 The Andes Mountains 500 pts.

12 100 pts. Why are there convection currents in the mantle?

13 200 pts. List the three types of Plate Boundaries and draw arrows to show the direction the plates are moving.

14 300 pts. What causes the plates to move around?

15 400 pts. What is it called when one plate moves under another plate?

16 500 pts. What are the two types of crust?

17 Heat from the core heats and expands lower mantle, making it less dense so it floats to the top, where it cools and contracts, making it sink. 100 pts.

18 Convergent, Divergent, and Transform 200 pts.

19 Convection currents 300 pts.

20 subduction 400 pts.

21 Continental and oceanic. 500 pts.

22 100 pts. Draw an anticline.

23 200 pts. Draw a reverse fault.

24 300 pts. _______________ is the type of stress in which rock is squeezed.

25 400 pts. What kind of stress causes a normal fault?

26 500 pts. What is the difference between a fold and a fault?

27 100 pts.

28 200 pts.

29 compression 300 pts.

30 Tension 400 pts.

31 Folds occur when the rock BENDS, Faults occur when the rock BREAKS. 500 pts.

32 100 pts. What are the three types of volcanoes?

33 200 pts. List three places volcanoes can form.

34 300 pts. What causes Earthquakes?

35 400 pts. What type of plate boundary causes earthquakes along California’s San Andreas Fault?

36 500 pts. What three variables can be changed to allow the rock in the Earth’s Mantle to melt?

37 Shield, cinder cone, and composite 100 pts.

38 Divergent boundaries, convergent boundaries, and hot spots. 200 pts.

39 Elastic deformation/rebound, stress building up along faults and plate boundaries as plates move around. 300 pts.

40 Transform 400 pts.

41 Relieving pressure, adding water, and increasing temperature. 500 pts.

42 100 pts. How would you describe the term “plastic” when referring to the asthenosphere?

43 200 pts. What are the two scales used to classify earthquakes?

44 300 pts. What instrument is used to measure earthquakes, and what information can seismologists get from it?

45 400 pts. Which seismic waves can NOT go through the liquid outer core of the Earth?

46 500 pts. Draw a picture showing an example of seismologist using triangulation to locate the epicenter of an earthquake.

47 Solid but flexible, able to move around 100 pts.

48 The Richter Scale and the Mercalli Scale 200 pts.

49 Seismograph- strength of EQ and location of EQ from station. 300 pts.

50 S waves 400 pts.

51 500 pts.

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