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The Learn to Read the Bible Effectively Seminar

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Presentation on theme: "The Learn to Read the Bible Effectively Seminar"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Learn to Read the Bible Effectively Seminar
Week 1

2 Introduction Goal Why? Help you to learn to read the Bible effectively
More people familiar with God’s Word Share what we have learned Concern for your salvation But NOT attempt to convert you

3 Overview Week 1 Introduction Background of the Bible
The Bible interprets itself Overview of the books of the Bible - Part 1 Why the Bible is difficult to read

4 A Beginning (but crucial) tip!
“Whose is this image and superscription?” (Mark 12:13-17) Look for Bible echoes echoes echoes… “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him.” (Gen 1.27) Not a mysterious connection – an association gained by careful reading.

5 Background of the Bible
Section 2 Background of the Bible

6 Background to the Bible
Holy Bible - Separate Book 66 Books Old Testament - 39 books New Testament - 27 books More than 40 writers Written over 1600 years 2930 characters in 1551 places BUT no contradiction - Perfect harmony

7 Inspiration God is the author God breathed – 2 Tim 3.15-17
“Thus saith the Lord….” God’s words not mans - 2 Peter 1:19-21 God’s word never fails - Isaiah 40.6 Bible is source of Truth - Psalm Provides direction for daily living - Ps

8 How Readest Thou? Let’s read carefully eagerly humbly heedfully
and prayerfully!

9 The Bible Interprets Itself
Section 3 The Bible Interprets Itself

10 The Bible Interprets itself
“When all else fails read the instructions” Key to easier understanding is found within the Bible. Your questions about what the Bible teaches are answered in the Bible

11 Look around…. Look in same or surrounding chapters
Parable of the sower Matt Matt Look in other books of the Bible “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Matt 27.46 Psalm 22

12 Do’s and Don’ts DO Look first to Bible for answers
Read all of the Bible to find answers Write down questions DO Expect quick answers Look at isolated passages and draw conclusions DON’T

13 Overview of the Books of the Bible (Part 1)
Section 4 Overview of the Books of the Bible (Part 1)

14 Overview of Books of the Bible
Part 1 – The Old Testament The Bible Old Testament New Testament The Law The Prophets The Writings

15 Overview of Books of the Bible
Part 1 – The Old Testament The Law Gen, Ex, Lev, Num, Deut The Prophets Former prophets Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings Latter prophets Major Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel Minor Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malach

16 Overview of Books of the Bible
Part 1 – The Old Testament The Writings Poetical Psalms, Proverbs, Job Five Rolls Song of Solomon, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther Historical Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Chronicles The Apocrypha Not part of Hebrew scriptures Included in Greek version of OT

17 Overview of Books of the Bible
Part 1 – The Old Testament Session Outlines Part 1 - Overview of Bible Part 2 - Exodus to David Part 3 - Solomon to Northern Exile Part 4 - Southern Exile to Christ Part 5 - Gospels, Acts, Letters to churches Part 6 - Personal letters, General letters, Revelation

18 Overview of Books of the Bible
Part 1 – The Old Testament Genesis Can we start in the New Testament? Matthew 1.1 Single most important book Book of beginnings Genesis and Revelation End posts of God’s revelation to man How it all began - How it all will finish

19 Genesis and Revelation
Natural creation (Gen 1) Serpent speaks (Gen 3.1-5) Curse imposed (Gen 3.17) Sorrow and death appear (Gen ) Access to tree of life denied (Gen 3.24) Paradise closed to man (Gen 3.23) Spiritual creation (Rev 3.14) Serpent restrained (Rev 20.2) Curse removed (Rev 22.3) Sorrow and death taken away (Rev 21.4) Access to tree of life opened (Rev 2.7) Paradise opened to man (Rev 21.25)

20 DO! Write down any major events you think are recorded in Genesis.
Write down the names of any major people you think are recorded in Genesis.

21 Overview Genesis Two parts Primeval history - chapters 1 to 11
Creation Fall of Man Flood Tower of Babel Patriarchal history - chapters 12 to 50 Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph

Overview of Genesis SOME POINTS TO CONSIDER God’s first promise Gen 3.15 God’s promise to Abraham Gen 12,13,15,22 How Israel ended up in Egypt Gen 15, 37-50

23 Why the Bible is Difficult to Read
Section 5 Why the Bible is Difficult to Read

24 Why the Bible is Difficult to Read
REMEMBER “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings to search out a matter” (Proverbs 25.2) Why did Jesus speak in parables? Separation process Matthew 13.10 Is this fair? Romans

25 Why the Bible is Difficult to Read
Who is Truth revealed to? Babes - Matthew NOT to the “wise” - 1 Cor How do you gain understanding? Putting in time and energy Money and status of no advantage - Isaiah 55:1-3 Slowly…. Slowly revealed - Hebrews 1.1 Prayerfully and Patiently - Matt 7.7-8

26 You cannot speed-read the Bible Search it Carefully and Prayerfully
Remember…. You cannot speed-read the Bible Search it Carefully and Prayerfully

27 Conclusion This week we looked at…. Introduction
Background of the Bible The Bible interprets itself Overview of the books of the Bible - Part 1 Why the Bible is difficult to read

28 Conclusion Next week we look at…. Why 2 Testaments
The Role of Prophecy Tips on Reading Overview of the books of the Bible - Part 2 Terminology - Part 1

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