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Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Calibration of the COSY-TOF STT & pp Elastic Analysis Sedigheh Jowzaee IKP Group Talk 11 July 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Calibration of the COSY-TOF STT & pp Elastic Analysis Sedigheh Jowzaee IKP Group Talk 11 July 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Calibration of the COSY-TOF STT & pp Elastic Analysis Sedigheh Jowzaee IKP Group Talk 11 July 2013

2 Outline COSY-TOF Spectrometer STT calibration goal Calibration comparison pp elastic analysis of data 2012 2

3 COSY-TOF Spectrometer Strangeness physics 3 p p π-π- K+K+

4 COSY-TOF STT Installed in vacuum tank Consists of 2704 straw tubes with Ø= 10 mm & 1050 mm length Organized in 13 double-layers Filled with Ar/CO2 gas at 1.2 bar overpressure Fixed in 3 orientations with angle 60 ˚ to each other for 3 D track reconstruction 4

5 Calibration Procedure Motivation for precise STT calibration Reconstruction of events with STT at COSY-TOF Event analysis based on the vertices reconstruction of the charged final state particles (p, K, Λ p, π - ) Calibration steps TDC correction Multiple hits removal Signal width cut Electronics offset correction Estimation of correlation between drift time and radius Straw layers position correction pp elastic events measured in Fall 2012 at p beam = 2.95 GeV/c are analyzed for the calibration of the STT Data taking in November 2012 for 4 weeks 5

6 TDC Correction First hit selection Signal width cut – 5 ns width limit of readout electronics Using the common-stop readout of the TDCs, higher values correspond to shorter drift times raw TDC spectrum for 5.10 6 hits in the 3 double layers straw tubes TDC spectrum after first hit selection and width cut 6

7 Due to the positioning of tubes in dls (Time of flight) TDC Correction Electronics offset correction Different readout modules Correction with fit method Ref. point=turning point of error function + 1σ Offset= 780 ns(arbitrary)-Ref. point Turning point σ 7 Due to the positioning of readout board Due to applying 3 racks of readout electronics

8 Self-Calibrating Method Main aim: determination of the correlation between the drift time and the isochrone radius Isochrone radius was calculated for each bins of drift time ( homogeneous illumination assumption in whole straw) Track Straw Tube Isochrone radius: cylinder of closest approach of the particle track to the wire 8 R isochrone

9 Auto-Calibration Method Track reconstruction with averaged r(t) curve of 3 groups of double layers from self- calibrating method was done Track parameters were analyzed to find the most probable correlation between drift time and isochrone radius (track to wire distance) distance to wire vs. drift time shift vs. isochrone radius 9

10 STT Resolution Residual=|d| – r d: track to wire distance, r: isochrone radius Spatial resolution: width of the Gaussian fit functions to the residual distribution as a function of drift time or radius The resolution at 0.25 cm averaged over all double layers is 142 ± 8 µm residual vs. drift time resolution vs. isochron radius Residual vs. isochron radius 10

11 Residual Comparison New calib. Old calib. 11 dl 5dl 13 dl 5dl 13

12 Resolution Comparison New calibration Old calibration Resolution at 0.25 cm New: 142±8 µm Old : 174±18 µm 12

13 pp Elastic Analysis 13 p beam p target p1p1 p2p2 θ1θ1 θ2θ2 φ Geometry of pp elastic events

14 pp Elastic Analysis 14 After coplanarity cut After circular cut

15 Vertex Distribution 15 Dependent on the beam properties

16 16 Vertex Distribution Dependent on the target dimension target dimension= 5.17±0.03 mm

17 Closest Approach of Tracks Minimum distance of the two proton tracks of selected pp elastic scattering events Independent on the beam properties Dependent on the STT reconstruction precision Improvement of FWHM 7.6 % FWHM= 1780 µm new calibration FWHM= 1920 µm old calibration Improvement in reconstruction accuracy 17

18 Summary Signal width cut is effective to remove noise Electronics offset correction reduced the systematic error from different electronics modules and time of flight Improved spatial resolution 142 ±8 µm at 0.25 cm averaged over all double layers compared to the old calibration with same beam momentum ( 174 ±18 µm) The new calibration improved track reconstruction accuracy for pp elastic scattering events 18

19 Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Thank you

20 Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Backup slides

21 21 Straw hits

22 22 Drift time Corrected drift time spectra Maximum drift time 145 ns Same drift time spectrum within each double layer Irregular shape and tail part in first 4 double layers Improper recognition of first hits due to low sensitivity of their electronics Events mixing and tail pile-up

23 Monte Carlo Comparison New calibration -2012 calibration-MC-2012 23

24 24 Beam Direction

25 Beam Polarization distribution of asymmetry is fitted with the ā(θ * )cos(φ) The analyzing power A(θ * ) is taken from the partial wave analysis Said calculated beam polarization (69.9±10.0)% Azimuthal asymmetry of elastic scattering events in 25

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