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0 PARCC Performance Level Setting Place your logo here.

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1 0 PARCC Performance Level Setting Place your logo here

2 1 Performance Level Setting timeline Place your logo here Spring 2015 Administration of PARCC assessments July/August Performance level setting for high school and grades 3-8 August/September State K-12 and higher ed chiefs review/vote on recommended cut scores Fall 2015 2014-15 assessment results available through score reports

3 2 Performance Level Setting: What is it? This summer, educators and experts will determine what score each student must earn on the assessment in order to achieve a particular performance level. States nominated a variety of stakeholders to participate in 12 in-person panels to review the assessments. Place your logo here K-12 educatorsPostsecondary faculty Grade-Span Panels

4 3 Five Performance Levels Place a purple frame around images PARCC uses five performance levels that delineate the knowledge, skills, and practices students are able to demonstrate: Level 1: Did Not Yet Meet Expectations Level 2: Partially Met Expectations Level 3: Approached Expectations Level 4: Met Expectations Level 5: Exceeded Expectations

5 4 Performance Level Setting: The Process To determine what range of scores best matches each performance level, panelists will use pre-established Performance Level Descriptors that indicate what a typical student at each level should know based on their command of grade-level standards. They will use the performance level descriptors and actual test results and compare them to empirical studies to make their judgments. Each group will go through at least three rounds of review per assessment to develop the cut scores for each performance level. Place your logo here

6 5 Performance Level Setting Method Judgment + Data = Threshold Scores Place your logo here Review test items Answer the question: Based on the PLDs, would a student performing at level X be likely to answer the item correctly, Yes or No? Impact data Empirical data from research Judgments of other panelists % of students performing at each level % who got item correct Multiple Rounds Panelists discuss their judgments, are given impact data, conduct second review, Panelists discuss judgments again, are given additional data and conduct a third round.

7 6 Research to Inform the Performance Level Setting Process Place your logo here Research Questions – Based on External Data – What percentage of students are likely to be college- and career-ready, according to PARCC’s definition? – What percentage of students are likely to be on track for the next academic level at earlier grades? Two studies to inform performance level setting Postsecondary Educators Judgment Study Benchmark Study SAT ACT NAEP TIMSS PISA

8 7 Performance Level Setting: What’s Next Post-policy meetings will be conducted to review the recommended scores across grade and content areas. 1.PARCC state review of HS standards (informational only) 2.PARCC K-12 and higher education chiefs review and adopt HS cut scores for performance levels 3.PARCC state review of grades 3-8 standards (informational only) 4.PARCC K-12 education chiefs review and adopt grades 3-8 cut scores for performance levels Because comparability is a priority, every PARCC member will adopt the same cut scores. Place your logo here

9 8 Performance Level Setting: What’s Next Parent Score Report Parents will receive their student’s score report for this year’s assessments in the fall. Each student’s score report will indicate which performance level he or she falls into based on the score received. The report is intended to help parents work with their child’s teachers and school officials to decide how best to support their child’s needs. In future years, it is expected that parents will receive score reports by the end of the school year in which testing took place. Place your logo here

10 9 Performance Level Setting: Additional Resources For more information: Grade- and Subject-Specific Performance Level Descriptor FAQs: ( revised.pdf) revised.pdf Governing Board members: ( Place your logo here

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