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CERIF TG Report Brigitte Jörg CERIF National Coordinator, JISC, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK, CERIF TG Leader, euroCRIS euroCRIS Members Meeting, Madrid.

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Presentation on theme: "CERIF TG Report Brigitte Jörg CERIF National Coordinator, JISC, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK, CERIF TG Leader, euroCRIS euroCRIS Members Meeting, Madrid."— Presentation transcript:

1 CERIF TG Report Brigitte Jörg CERIF National Coordinator, JISC, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK, CERIF TG Leader, euroCRIS euroCRIS Members Meeting, Madrid November 5-6, 2012 CERIF

2 Topics  CERIF 1.5 Release  Towards CERIF 2.0  Towards CERIF Mappings  Towards CERIF Compatibility and Formality  Towards increased CERIF Communication  CERIF Vocabularies  CERIF Roadmap

3 CERIF CERIF 1.5 Extensions CERIF 1.5 technically available since 07/2012 Bits are continuously added (check Specifications in prepearation  Federated Identifiers  Multiple Structured Person Names  Extensive Vocabulary > 450 terms contributions by RMAS (UK), CiA, (UK), CASRAI (CA), MERIL (EU), VIVO (US)

4 CERIF CERIF 1.5 + XML  CERIF Model Introduction and Specification asap  CERIF XML Data Exchange Format Specification asap  CERIF Formal Semantics (Vocabulary) asap  CERIF SQL Scripts ✓  CERIF XML Schemas ✓  CERIF XML Examples ✓  CERIF Semantics (Excel), CERIF Semantics (XML) ✓ CERIF Logo, provided for usage by symplectic UK CERIF

5 Towards CERIF 2.0  Research Data  Research Infrastructure  Model Cleaning no current release date, additional 1.X technical releases before the major CERIF 2.0 release Discussion Items: - Identifiers (in Technologies (XML, SQL, OWL,... ) - cfFraction (decimal) - Dates in base entities - DC within the CERIF model (legacy) - measurement attributes (e.g. turnover with cfOrgUnit) - cfMetrics entity (still needed with cfMeasurement?) - Language, Country, Currency -> move to Semantic Layer?

6 CERIF Towards consistent CERIF Mappings  develop a consistent CERIF mapping format (syntax)  SQL 2 XML XML 2 XML  Element / Entity Mapping  Attribute / Attribute Mapping  Required actions  Required vocabularies ... ontologies Ongoing Mapping Exercises with: REF (UK), ENGAGE (EU), EuroRIS-NetPlus (EU), CASRAI (CA), VIVO (US).

7 CERIF Towards CERIF Compatibility and Formality work more closely with vendors towards a consistent format and compliance testing Collaboration with TG‘s: –Architecture –LOD –CRIS-IR –Best Practice Goal: Benchmarking !!

8 CERIF Towards increased CERIF Communication improve exposition and distribution of available material extend and prepare some more online material Tools, Materials, Webspace CERIF / LOD meeting Thursday, November 8th, 2012

9 CERIF CERIF Vocabularies not considered a CERIF TG core business at the moment requires collaboration: CASRAI, VIVO,... requires professional tools: CERIF / LOD meeting Thursday, November 8th, 2012

10 CERIF CERIF Roadmap Identifying next priorities: CERIF 1.5 Extensions Towards CERIF 2.0 (date? VIVO) Consistent Mappings CERIF Compatibility Testing (with Vendors) requires Use Cases Increased Communication Website? CERIF-Domain ? Vocabularies Next TG meeting (with project meetings)

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