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Mr. Earth How are you? Author: Daisy Fan Illustrator: Daisy Fan.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Earth How are you? Author: Daisy Fan Illustrator: Daisy Fan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Earth How are you? Author: Daisy Fan Illustrator: Daisy Fan

2 I am Mr. Earth. I am sick. I am seriously polluted. Please save me.

3 Contents  What is recycling?  Recycle logo  Our “Green Promises”  How to re-use old materials  Making a puppet

4 What is recycling? Fill in the blanks with these words: When we recycle, we save some old materials to make something new. That means we don’t throw away old materials. We re-use them. oldnewre-usesave

5 Draw or stick the recycle logo below:

6 Our “Green Promises” Work in a group: Part A) Survey - Discuss how you can help look after the environment. Take turns to ask and find out what your classmates promise to do or not to do. For example: A: What do you promise to do? B: I promise not to throw away plastic bottles. B: What do you promise to do? C: I promise to save water. C: What do you promise to do? A: I promise to use less correction fluid.

7 Our “Green Promises” Part B) After your discussion, report to the class your group’s green promises. NameGreen promises Karen I promise to use both sides of the paper. Sam I promise to use cloth bags when I go shopping. Anne I promise to go to school on foot. Harry I promise to use a handkerchief after I wash my hands. Abby I promise to give donate my old clothes to poor children.

8 How to re-use old materials  Part A) Draw and write the items you normally throw away: 1 23 envelopeswood chopsticksplastic bottles 4 56 aluminum canspaper wrapped paper

9 Making a puppet It is red. Their eyes are blue. It is cute. Its hair is colorful. Part B) Choose the materials from the table you can use to make a new puppet. What is it? It’s a sock. Part C) What is your puppet made of? 1.The head is made of sock. 2.The eyes are made of buttons. 3.The hair is made of wool. Part D)Use the suitable adjectives to describe your puppet. For example: It is a cute, little, brown toy car.

10 Anne Mrs. Shum

11 I suggest you to draw your own puppet. Teacher Assessment

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