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Eukaryotic Cell Structures Biology I Flora Cells Divided into 2 parts: – Nucleus – Contains cells DNA and is control center of cell Surrounded by nuclear.

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2 Eukaryotic Cell Structures Biology I Flora

3 Cells Divided into 2 parts: – Nucleus – Contains cells DNA and is control center of cell Surrounded by nuclear envelope – contains thousands of pores that allow material to move in and out Material inside nucleus is called chromatin – Chromatin – consists of DNA and proteins – Chromosomes – thread-like structure within nucleus that contains genetic information and is passed on from generation to generation – Cytoplasm – portion of cell outside nucleus

4 Cont. Cells Nucleolus – makes ribosomes Ribosomes – make proteins – Factory ex: nucleus (Mr. L) – ribosomes (Mr. Flo) – Located in cytoplasm or on rough ER

5 Endoplasmic Reticulum 2 Types – Rough ER – main function is to synthesize proteins Studded with ribosomes – Smooth ER – Contains enzymes that function in making lipids and detoxification of drugs – Ex: liver cells

6 Golgi Apparatus Golgi Apparatus – main function is to modify, sort, and package proteins and other materials made in ER This is the “touch-up” shop in the factory – Proteins are touched up then shipped

7 Lysosomes Small organelles filled with enzymes that digest and breakdown lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins Also breakdown worn-out organelles Ex: Ms. Tracy – Ex: tay-sachs disease

8 Vacuole Sac-like structures that store materials such as salt, water, proteins, and carbohydrates Plants – have a large central vacuole Animals have many smaller vacuoles – Ex: the closets of the school

9 Mitochondria Main function is to convert chemical energy stored in food into compounds organisms/cells can use (ATP) “White-River Electric” of cell – power source of cell Thank your MOMMA!!! – Mitochondria are inherited from her

10 Chloroplast These organelles capture energy from sunlight and convert it into chemical energy in a process called photosynthesis Found in plant cells Endosymbiotic theory???

11 Cytoskeleton Supporting structure and transport system for the cell – Network of protein filaments that help cell maintain its shape Microtubules – hollow structures made from protein tubulin – Maintain cell shape and aid in cell division Microfilaments – thread-like structures made from protein actin – Help cell move and provide support

12 Structures Cont. Cell Membrane – semi-permeable barrier around the cell that regulates what enters and leaves the cell Cell Wall – Provides support and protection – NOT found in animal cells Centrioles - Located near nucleus and aid in cell division – NOT found in plant cells!!

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