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My name’s Gina. J7A Unit One Hello, I’m Mimi. Hi, my name’s Polly.

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Presentation on theme: "My name’s Gina. J7A Unit One Hello, I’m Mimi. Hi, my name’s Polly."— Presentation transcript:


2 My name’s Gina. J7A Unit One

3 Hello, I’m Mimi. Hi, my name’s Polly.

4 My name’s Snoopy What’s your name?

5 C: What’s his/her name? D: His/Her name’s... A: What’s your name? B: My name’s... I’m...

6 What’s his name? His name’s … What’s her name? Her name’s …

7 What ’ s his name?

8 What ’ s her name?


10 A: What’s your name? B: My name is Gina. A: Nice to meet you! B: Nice to meet you! your name 你的名字 my name 我的名字 Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你! your name 你的名字 my name 我的名字 Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你!

11 A: What’s her name? B: Her name is Gina. A: What’s his name? B: His name is Alan. her name 她的名字 his name 他的名字 her name 她的名字 his name 他的名字

12 Guessing Game: What’s his/her name? His/Her name is …

13 Complete the conversations after the model. ( 根据示例完成对话) Model : A: What’s his name ? B: His name is Yao Ming. 1.A: ____ her name ? B: __________ Daisy. What’s Her name is 2. A: What’s ________? B: __________ Father Christmas his name His name is

14 Introduce yourself and others ( 介绍自己与介绍他人 ) Do like this : A: Hello ! What ’ s your name ? B: My name ’ s …… A: I ’ m …… A: What ’ s his name ? B: His name is …… A: And what ’ s her name ? B: Her name is ……

15 入乡随俗

16 想一想 : 两个 Bill 是一家吗 ?

17 first name last name

18 First name: Last name: George Bush First name: Last name: Bill Clinton George Bush Bill Clinton

19 What’s his name? His name is.Yao Ming First name: Ming Last name: Yao

20 What’s his name? His name is.Zhou Jielun First name: Last name: Jielun Zhou

21 英语国家人名分析图

22 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.( 看图完成对话) Li Lei Han Mei Li : Hi, my name is Li Lei, What’s ____ name? Han: ___ Han Mei. ___ to meet you. Li : Nice to ____ you, Han Mei. Do you know my father( 父亲 ) ? Han : What’s ____ name? Li : ___ name ___ Li Malin. your I’mNice meet his Hisis Han : Look! ____ is his name? Li : Sun Wukong. Han : Oh, great. Wukong is his ____ name and Sun is his ____ name. What last first __________ _________ girl boy

23 School ID Card Name:__________ Tel:_____________ Sex:_____________ QQ:_____________ E-mail:___________ Address:_______________________ My Photo

24 FIRST NAME: _________________ LAST NAME: _________________ PHONE NUMBER: ______________________ M e l i s s a X u 6 3 6 2 1 4 0 6

25 ( ) 1. Hello ! ( ) 2. Good evening. ( ) 3. Good morning. ( ) 4. How are you ? ( ) 5. Spell your name, please. ( ) 6. What color is it ? ( ) 7. What is this in English ? ( ) 8. What’s your name ? A.Good morning. B.It’s black and white. C.J—A—C—K. D.It’s an orange. E.Hi. F.I’m fine, thank you. G.Good evening. H.My name is Gina. Task: Find proper responses in Column B for each sentence in Column A AB E G A F C B D H

26 1.A: Hello, Nemo. B: _____, Dory. ___ are you ? A: I’m ____, thanks. And how are _____ ? B: ____ fine, ______. A: What’s ____ ____ English ? B: ____ a ____. A: ____ _____ is it? B: It is ____. Hello How fine you I’m too thisin It’skey Whatcolor yellow Task

27 QuestionsSpell it, please. What’s your name? GinaAlan Task : 了解小组成员的名字。 你可能会用到以下的对话: A: What’s your name? B: My name is Gina. A: Spell it, please. B: G-I-N-A, Gina. AliceJim 然后向全班介绍小组各成员。 例如: My name is Alan. Her name is Gina. Her name is Alice. His name is Jim.

28 QuestionsSpell it, please. What’s her name? What’s his name? Gina Alan Task 2 : 了解小组成员的名字( English )。 你可能会听到以下的对话: A: What’s your name? B: My name is Gina. A: Spell it, please. B: G-I-N-A, Gina.

29 one two three four five six seven eightnine 0 zero English numbers : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

30 --What’s your phone number, Li Xin? --It’s 281-9176.

31 Let’s read these numbers.( 朗读这些数词) 59732236680653660215 26554946140548925897 Can you solve the addition problems? ( 你会做下列加法题吗 ? ) Example ( 例如 ): --What’s six and one? –It’s seven. 1.–What’s two and three? –It’s _____. 2.--What’s zero and nine? –It’s _____. 3.--What’s four and three? --It’s _____. 4.--What’s one and seven? –It’s _____. five nine seven eight

32 119 120 122 110 96119

33 延伸拓展

34 抄写词组和句子。 my name your name his name her name What’s your name ? My name is Gina. What’s his name ? What’s her name ? Nice to meet you !

35  收集或画你最喜欢的人的图片, 并在下面写上 : Her/His name is …  Prepare for tomorrow’s exam.

36 Bob Dale Alan Jim Tony Tom Mike Jim Jack Nick Eric Frank Jenny Alice Cindy Grace Helen Mary Linda Kim girl’s nameboy’s name Further applying

37 你听说过美国的十大姓氏吗? 在美国, 万人以上的大姓有三千多个,其中最大的姓氏 Smith , 美国十大姓氏的排列顺序是: 1.Smith 史密斯 2. John 约翰逊 3. Williams 威廉姆斯 4. Brown 布朗 5. Jones 琼斯 6. Miller 米勒 7.Davis 戴维斯 8. Martinson 马丁森 9. Anderson 安德森 10.Wilson 威尔逊 文化茶座 Further applying

38 幸运数字: 8 eight 家庭楼层: 5 five 家庭电话: 4916888 four nine one six eight eight eight QQ号: 5524139 five five two four one three nine. 最喜欢的球星的球衣号: 23 twenty -three 生活中有很多和自己相关的数字, 如年龄、身高、体重、 住址、 QQ 号、公交车等,请收集有关自己的数字。 Further applying


40 One little, two little, three little Indians, Four little, five little,six little Indians, Seven little,eight little, nine little Indians, Ten little India boys. Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians, Seven little, six little, five little Indians, Four little, three little, two little Indians, One little Indian boy.

41 One, two, How do you do ? Three, four, Open the door. Five, six, Pick up the sticks. Seven, eight, Sit up straight. Nine, ten, Give me a pen. Further applying

42 Learning English 学英语报社组织制作 2005 , 8

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