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Hotel Accommodation Monitoring (HAM) in Hungary Istvan GETHER Akos PROBALD Edina VIRAG.

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Presentation on theme: "Hotel Accommodation Monitoring (HAM) in Hungary Istvan GETHER Akos PROBALD Edina VIRAG."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hotel Accommodation Monitoring (HAM) in Hungary Istvan GETHER Akos PROBALD Edina VIRAG


3 Why has been this e-survey selected for presentation? Advantages are evident Recommendable for other countries: easy to use - easy to run Upgrades the image of tourism statistics

4 Advantages of HAM report is published in seven working days on the HCSO web site (ministry responsible for tourism receives the report a day earlier) each reporting hotel is sent figures on its category on the same day well received by the ministry and hotel industry (financial contribution from the satisfied partners to the development of tourism statistics) quick, simple, neither labour nor capital intensive environmentally friendly

5 Short history of HAM good relationship established with Hungarian Hotel Association consultations with hotel industry, identification of their expectation specification variables needed by them joint circular to hotels pilot survey voluntary survey part of the system of official tourism statistics Year 1998 2001 2002 2003

6 Main characteristics of HAM monthly, sample survey via Internet sample covers all the four and five star + a number of three star hotels more than 80 % of total hotel revenues represented by the sample five variables observed six indicators calculated

7 Monthly timetable of HAM Data collection via Internet (our section) Checking response rate Data control + validation Data processing (Informatics Dep.) Wording the report Reviewing the report (Dissemination Dep.), approval Publication on HCSO web site Messages to the hotels 2 working days 1 working day

8 Release calendar for the rest of 2004

9 Response rate of HAM 2003






15 Questionnaire Part 2

16 Number of hotels involved

17 Accuracy of HAM estimation Turnover of hotels Total number of hotel tourism nights

18 Turnover of hotels in 2003 compared to year 2002


20 Number of hotel tourism nights in 2003 compared to year 2002


22 Improvements for 2004 Direct connection for data suppliers to the data base (XML) Entering data submitted delayed in the data base Retroactive correction of data Improvement of response rate


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