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Standards CurriculumAssessment SEC in Wisconsin It’s all about acronyms.

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1 Standards CurriculumAssessment SEC in Wisconsin It’s all about acronyms

2 Standards CurriculumAssessment MSP Work Voluntary activity of current and new MSP projects.

3 Standards CurriculumAssessment SE SEC The southeastern Wisconsin Surveys of Enacted Curriculum project targets schools in CESAs 1 and 2; in particular Kenosha, Racine, Beloit, Milwaukee, and Janesville. Teams from each district in the geographic area of the two CESAs will be invited to learn, by attending a one-day meeting, about the advantages using the SEC project in their district. It is hoped that several of the mentioned districts will commit to using SEC with their teachers in one or more SEC subject areas of reading, science, social studies, and mathematics as a multi-year activity

4 Standards CurriculumAssessment SEC DCA The Surveys of Enacted Curriculum district curriculum activity targets districts going through a curriculum process in a particular content area. The activity will support their curriculum work by awarding mini-grants to districts undergoing a curriculum change process. Included in the award will be the understanding that the district will use SEC as a part of their activity. The above listed consultants will work with districts as needed in their respective content areas. A district list is being developed. Costs associated with the SEC DCA include individual mini-grant awards of $2500 per award.

5 Standards CurriculumAssessment CBPD The SEC will be used to as a component of content based professional development workshops this summer beginning with social studies. A group of teachers (1-5 years) will meet for three days – they will begin their work by taking the SEC to determine PD needs. They will then map out a plan for PD for the year. DPI will support their efforts through video clips, online resources and texts using an online platform and discussion board for monthly discussions. The teachers will meet back again the next summer and take the SEC to determine growth

6 Standards CurriculumAssessment NCLB Trying to work with our title I people to offer the SEC as a tool for schools and districts in need of improvement

7 Standards CurriculumAssessment TL - PDP Work with the teacher licensing people to begin to promote the use of the SEC to develop pdps. New teachers have 5 years to create a pdp. The SEC can be a component to help them create goals that are data based

8 Standards CurriculumAssessment ELL Part of the consortium

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