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The “World” at War. Agenda 1.Bell Ringer: What major events led to World War I? 2.Technology of War Notes 3.Discussion and analysis: What is the worst.

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Presentation on theme: "The “World” at War. Agenda 1.Bell Ringer: What major events led to World War I? 2.Technology of War Notes 3.Discussion and analysis: What is the worst."— Presentation transcript:

1 The “World” at War

2 Agenda 1.Bell Ringer: What major events led to World War I? 2.Technology of War Notes 3.Discussion and analysis: What is the worst technology of World War I? 4.Zimmerman Telegram Primary Document 5.Shell Shock: A look at World War I Video HW: Quick Quiz next class on Triple Alliance and Triple Entente. Complete Propaganda Illustration. Objective: Students will learn about the weaponry of World War I, and the impact of the United States upon entering the conflict.

3 Technology of War Airplane – Initially used as reconnaissance planes. – After the “interrupter was invented they could position guns through the prop. (Combat planes) Tank – United Kingdom develops this to run over the trenches. Armor-plating helps in “no-man’s land”

4 Technology of War Machine Gun – Utilized by all sides, one man now had the power of forty soldiers. – Battle of the Somme in 1916. Zeppelin – Used extensively by Germany in WWI. – Quiet, high altitude, and ability to complete bombing raids. – Huge flammable dirigible, no smoking…

5 Technology of War Mustard Gas – Only used when appropriate. – Wind direction, troop movements. – Initial gas masks utilized cloths soaked in urine to repel the gas. Flame Thrower – Used to chase people out of a trench, then open fire with machine guns.

6 A Global Conflict Early 1915, Italy supports the Allies (Triple Entente) Gallipoli Campaign- – Take the Dardenelles Strait so a supply route is established to Russia. – It lasts nearly 10 months, with no success. Allied armies (Triple Entente) manage to control the Middle East from the Turks.

7 Using the Colonies Imperial Nations such as Britain and France would use the people they forced into servitude to fight in the Great War. Some volunteered, hoping for independence.

8 The United States Enters War 1915, unrestricted submarine warfare would lead to the sinking of the passenger ship Lusitania. – 128 Americans killed. – While many were outraged, the ship was carrying war supplies. 1917, Germany sends Zimmerman telegram to Mexico. “Keep America occupied, so they don’t declare war on Germany.”

9 Zimmerman telegram caused the US to enter war on the Allied side. (Triple Entente) Americans that wanted to stay out of war joined in droves to fight in the conflict. (They still had the romanticized idea of war)

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