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Leadership Refined Positive Attitude Lesson Seven.

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1 Leadership Refined Positive Attitude Lesson Seven

2 Work enjoyed is as much fun as leisure.

3 The focused person: Works on ____________. Concentrates on their __________. Works well with __________. The servant: Puts others ___________. Serves without _______ or ______. Works well with _________. The person with a positive attitude: Knows that __________. Believes that __________. Knows how to _________. REVIEW

4 While we don’t want to give trees, animals or other non-human things the same emotional abilities that we possess as humans, we could however, imagine what they might be like if they did possess human emotions. Imagine for a minute that these trees growing out of the side of this rocky cliff in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula have emotions. Based on their circumstances and ideal growing conditions they would have a lot to complain about. Winds that beat on them, rocks that make them barely able to stay alive, water that is just out of reach, etc. Yet, we see them continue onward and upward in spite of their circumstances. They are green, alive, healthy and growing. They’re not brown, dried up and representative of a quitter with a bad attitude. Like the tree in the last lesson, these trees maintain a positive outlook in spite of their less than ideal conditions. If trees could talk...

5 Trolley Briefing: In this activity each group will move via a “trolley” from a safe place, across a “dangerous river”, to a second safe place on the other side of the “river”. Procedure: Using a 2” x 4” “trolley”, groups of students cross the river. You may not touch the rope lines and feet may not come off the boards. Consequences are a 15 second time penalty or going back to the starting line. The object is to be the first team to successfully cross the dangerous river.

6 Processing: 1.What did it take for your group to be able to work together? 2.Who was the leader? 3.How did he/she get to be the leader? 4.What sort of problem solving skills did you need to use to successfully navigate the “river”? 5.Who showed and maintained a positive attitude throughout the activity? 6.How did you feel if your group had to go back to the beginning and start over? 7.What will it take for you to keep a positive attitude? 8.When is it easy for you to have a positive attitude? When is it difficult?

7 Journal #9 In your journal, describe your attitude in general. Are you consistently positive? Consistently negative? What does it take for you to change your attitude? Can you change your attitude? Then ask five people you know, only two being friends at school, to write in your journal describing how they see you in relationship to your attitude. Take a look at what you’ve written and what others have written. Then summarize, draw conclusions and reflect on your attitude in general.

8 Winners: Always have an idea. Always say, “I’ll do it!” See an answer for every problem. Always say, “I can”. Look for a way to do it. Losers: Always have an excuse. Always say, “It’s not my job!” See a problem for every answer. Always say “I can’t”. Look for a way to get out of it.

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