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Hymn 102 His Mercy Never Fails. Verse 1 O give thanks unto the Lord; give thanks unto the Lord of lords;

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Presentation on theme: "Hymn 102 His Mercy Never Fails. Verse 1 O give thanks unto the Lord; give thanks unto the Lord of lords;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hymn 102 His Mercy Never Fails

2 Verse 1 O give thanks unto the Lord; give thanks unto the Lord of lords;

3 He performs wonderful works; He stretched the earth above the sea!

4 Chorus: Give thanks to God for He is good; He who alone doeth great works!

5 His kindness shall always endure; His mercy never fails!

6 Verse 2 O give thanks unto the Lord; for it was He who made great lights;

7 For the day He made the sun and for the night, the moon and stars!

8 Chorus: Give thanks to God for He is good; He who alone doeth great works!

9 His kindness shall always endure; His mercy never fails!

10 Verse 3 O give thanks unto the Lord; He struck at Egypt’s stubborn pride;

11 Their firstborn He took in wrath; He led His people thru the sea!

12 Chorus: Give thanks to God for He is good; He who alone doeth great works!

13 His kindness shall always endure; His mercy never fails!

14 Last Verse O give thanks unto the Lord; for mighty kings of mighty names,

15 He destroyed and put to shame; Isr’el was saved from all their foes!

16 Chorus: Give thanks to God for He is good; He who alone doeth great works!

17 His kindness shall always endure; His mercy never fails!


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