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Journey from Nairobi to Lodwar (NFD) – September 1958 Night-stop on the equator between Nakuru and Eldoret.

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Presentation on theme: "Journey from Nairobi to Lodwar (NFD) – September 1958 Night-stop on the equator between Nakuru and Eldoret."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journey from Nairobi to Lodwar (NFD) – September 1958 Night-stop on the equator between Nakuru and Eldoret.

2 Journey from Nairobi to Lodwar (NFD) – September 1958 Sign on the equator.

3 Journey from Nairobi to Lodwar (NFD) – September 1958 Road on the scarp slope from Kitale to the floor of the Rift Valley to the west of Lake Rudolf.

4 Journey from Nairobi to Lodwar (NFD) – September 1958 Crossing the dry bed of the River Turkwell near Lodwar.

5 Journey from Nairobi to Lodwar (NFD) – September 1958 Base camp at Lodwar: The future hospital building used by us for accomodation.

6 Journey from Nairobi to Lodwar (NFD) – September 1958 Base camp at Lodwar: The cookhouse being built of wood and corrugated iron sheeting.

7 Kenya - Astro fix point at Ferguson’s Gulf on the west bank of Lake Rudolf (now Lake Turkana) – September 1958 Typical ‘camp’ for an astro fix point, just a tent fly-sheet spread between two vehicles. Some of us slept on top of the Bedford RL 3-tonner with the stars for our canopy.

8 Kenya - Astro fix point at Ferguson’s Gulf on the west bank of Lake Rudolf (now Lake Turkana) – September 1958 Bill in bush hat and with short-barelled bush rifle, used for protection and obtaining fresh meat.

9 Kenya - Astro fix point at Ferguson’s Gulf on the west bank of Lake Rudolf (now Lake Turkana) – September 1958 Sand dunes and dom palms close to Ferguson’s Gulf on Lake Rudolf.

10 Kenya - Area between Lokitaung and Namuruputh, north-west of Lake Rudolf Road through the Lodapalinga Hills near Lokitaung on the north-west side of Lake Rudolf.

11 Kenya - Area between Lokitaung and Namuruputh, north-west of Lake Rudolf Road through the Lodapalinga Hills with baboons lining the top of the cliff face and throwing stones at us.

12 Kenya - Area between Lokitaung and Namuruputh, north-west of Lake Rudolf Turkana Tribal Policemen from the Kenya Police post at Todenyang near the north-west corner of Lake Rudolf where Jomo Kenyatta, the Mau Mau political leader and future first President of Kenya was imprisoned until 1959.

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