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Speaking. Warming up 1. If you had chance to go abroad in the world, which country would you like to visit and why? 埃及金字塔 The Pyramids.

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Presentation on theme: "Speaking. Warming up 1. If you had chance to go abroad in the world, which country would you like to visit and why? 埃及金字塔 The Pyramids."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speaking

2 Warming up 1. If you had chance to go abroad in the world, which country would you like to visit and why? 埃及金字塔 The Pyramids

3 美国大峡谷 The Grand Canyon

4 Harvard university

5 Wall street

6 新西兰

7 印度泰姬陵 Taj Mahal

8 巴黎 Paris

9 巴黎时装

10 澳大利亚的大堡礁 Great Barrier Reef

11 土著

12 2. What kind of things would you learn best by being a tourist? What would you learn by working or studying in a foreign country? 3. How difficult do you think it is to adjust to the customs of another country?

13 4. Do you know anyone who has spent some time in another country? What did they find that was similar to or different from our country?

14 Speaking on P84 List the dangers and problems that could happen while traveling in a foreign country, then discuss ways you could prevent these things happening in groups.

15 The following sentence patterns are helpful for you: You might… It’s (very) possible that … It’s likely/unlikely that… It’s a possibility. It could happen.

16 It’s not very likely … I doubt it. Probably, … Most probably, … He/ She / They will probably…

17 A: While traveling, it’s possible that you could lose your way, because you don’t know the country very well. To prevent this: ★ You’d better take a map of the country with you. ★ Don’t leave alone without saying a word.

18 ★ Pay attention to the conspicuous signs, for example, some famous buildings, some special road signs so that you can ask the way while you are lost.

19 B: It’s likely that we could meet malefactors--- robber, thief or others. Probably, we will be hurt. To prevent this: ★ Don’t show your valuable belongings to others.

20 ★ You’d better go along with other people. ★ Should you face dangers, connect the police.

21 C: It’s (very) possible that we could have difficulty in communicating with the local people. To prevent this: ★ Try to grasp the simple and basic communicated language.

22 ★ Try to know about the manners and customs of the country. ★ Try to be familiar with formality in everyday life.

23 Homework 1. Learn the new words and expressions by heart. 2. Let students talk about their experiences of traveling.

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