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Math in the Common Core Era: Helping All Students Succeed

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1 Math in the Common Core Era: Helping All Students Succeed
Archdiocese of Dubuque October 1, 2015

2 Standards for Teaching and Learning Mathematics

3 Knowledge of Mathematics and General Pedagogy
Teachers should have a deep knowledge of – Sound and significant mathematics Theories of student intellectual development across the spectrum of diverse learners Modes of instruction and assessment Effective communication and motivational strategies

4 Knowledge of Student Mathematical Learning
Teachers must know and recognize the importance of – Ways students learn mathematics; Supporting students as they struggle to make sense of mathematical concepts and procedures Ways to help students build on informal mathematical understandings Ways to stimulate engagement and to use the standards for mathematical practice

5 Worthwhile Mathematical Tasks
Teachers should design experiences and pose tasks that – Engage students’ intellect Develop mathematical understandings and skills Stimulate students to make connections and develop a coherent framework for mathematical ideas Call for problem formulation, solving, and mathematical reasoning

6 That’s a lot of words, what does this mean for me?
Fluency: knowing how a number can be composed and decomposed and then using that information to be efficient and flexible when solving the problem through the use of strategies. Rigor: the development of conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application with equal intensity. Rigor is defined as the development of conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application with equal intensity. New York CCSS Instructional Practice Guide: Supplement for Reflection over the Course Year,, p 1

7 Without talking, without writing, without counting one by one, how many unit squares are in the shaded portion surrounding the figure?

8 Solve the following: – x ÷ 12

9 Whole Number Computation
For each probe, choose the method that closely matches how you would solve the problem. Then discuss the other methods with your partner.

10 Number Talks Third Grade:

11 Number Talks: Key Components
Classroom Environment and Community Classroom Discussions Changing the Role of the Teacher Role of Mental Math Purposeful Computation Problems

12 Talk Moves Revoicing Wait Time Repeating Turn-and-Talk Reasoning Revise Adding On Give participants handout with the Talk Moves from Elham and Allison’s book. Discuss how the talk moves are used to guide classroom discussions.

13 MTSS Tier 2: Intervention

14 Standard Treatment Protocol
What is that?

15 Screeners Who should administer? When should this occur? Why should it be used? How will the results be used? What can be used?

16 What can be used? K-1: Number Knowledge Test Number Sense Screener
2-5: Delaware Screeners Boulder Valley, CO (K-5) 6-8: Math Reasoning Inventory Resource

17 Intervention Plan Who should administer? When should this occur? Why should it be used? How will the results be used? What can be used?

18 What can be used? K-1: Number Sense Intervention 1-8: Do the Math
5-10: Trans Math K-12: Engage NY

19 Progress Monitoring Exit Tickets in the Engage NY curriculum at the end of each lesson can be used for progress monitoring. The following rubric with each exit ticket question could be used after every 3 lessons for a total of 9 points. Student has a full understanding of the question (3) Student has a good understanding of the question making minimal mistakes (2) Student has a partial understanding of the question (1) Student has no understanding of the question (0) Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3

20 Diagnostic Assessments
Grades K-2 Kathy Richardson Grades 2-8 Cognition-Based Assessment and Teaching

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