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“King” Andrew Autocratic Democracy Do you remember Greece and tyrants from 9th grade? Autocratic Democracy Do you remember Greece and tyrants from 9th.

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Presentation on theme: "“King” Andrew Autocratic Democracy Do you remember Greece and tyrants from 9th grade? Autocratic Democracy Do you remember Greece and tyrants from 9th."— Presentation transcript:

1 “King” Andrew Autocratic Democracy Do you remember Greece and tyrants from 9th grade? Autocratic Democracy Do you remember Greece and tyrants from 9th grade?

2 Native American Removal Part of the reason Jackson won the southern vote (seen as an Indian fighter) 1827-1830 Indian treaties dissolved in GA, Miss, AL 1832 - Worcester v. Georgia Supreme Court (Marshall) ruled in favor of Native Americans Treaties are contracts and must be upheld Federal law is supreme Jackson - “Marshall made his decision, now let him enforce it” 1835 - “fake” treaty created - 1838 Trail of Tears Part of the reason Jackson won the southern vote (seen as an Indian fighter) 1827-1830 Indian treaties dissolved in GA, Miss, AL 1832 - Worcester v. Georgia Supreme Court (Marshall) ruled in favor of Native Americans Treaties are contracts and must be upheld Federal law is supreme Jackson - “Marshall made his decision, now let him enforce it” 1835 - “fake” treaty created - 1838 Trail of Tears

3 Bank Wars Attempt to regulate wide fluctuations in the economy Jackson saw it as the elite exploiting the poor, Jackson vetoed the act Strict construction Veto backfired, economic crisis in 1837 Attempt to regulate wide fluctuations in the economy Jackson saw it as the elite exploiting the poor, Jackson vetoed the act Strict construction Veto backfired, economic crisis in 1837

4 Whig Party Created 1832 election Pro-national bank and federalism Jackson - Dem. Rep. won easily, very popular (outside of DC) Van Buren - wins one term after (financial crisis) 1840 - Whig William Henry Harrison wins and dies after one month - Tyler become president “Tippecanoe and Tyler too” 1832 election Pro-national bank and federalism Jackson - Dem. Rep. won easily, very popular (outside of DC) Van Buren - wins one term after (financial crisis) 1840 - Whig William Henry Harrison wins and dies after one month - Tyler become president “Tippecanoe and Tyler too”

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