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1.  Assuring that all students with disabilities have access to and participation in the general education curriculum  Recognizing that special education.

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Presentation on theme: "1.  Assuring that all students with disabilities have access to and participation in the general education curriculum  Recognizing that special education."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2  Assuring that all students with disabilities have access to and participation in the general education curriculum  Recognizing that special education is a service; not a placement  Providing a broad range of services across the continuum addressing the needs of all students with disabilities 2

3 Minimize the impact of disability and maximize the opportunities for children with disabilities to participate in general education in the natural community. (Hehir, 2002) 3

4  Creating meaningful IEPs  Universal Design for Learning (UDL)  Response to Intervention (RtI)  Flexible scheduling  Providing Behavioral Supports 4

5  The majority of students with IEPs will attend their home zoned school  IEP goals will be written with the students strengths in mind as well as the deficits  Schools will have curricular, instructional and scheduling flexibility to meet the diverse needs of students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment 5

6  Identify staff to comprise the SCHOOL IMPLEMENTATION TEAM (CIE 2012-2013)  SIT reviews all profiles for students with IEPs to evaluate possible LRE settings and/ or services for students  Review Licensure of ALL teachers in your school to create as many options as possible  Program your school beginning with special education  Incorporate Universal Design for Learning ideology in current curricula maps and lesson planning 6

7 Universal Design for Learning Principles 1 - 3 April 4, 2012 “Special Education is a service, not a place.” 7

8 Universal Design for Learning (UDL)  Principle 1: To support recognition learning, provide multiple, flexible methods of representation (or presentation)  CONTENT – Use of a graphic organizer  Principle 2: To support strategic learning, provide multiple, flexible methods of action or expression  PROCESS – Assign students to write editorials  Principle 3: To support affective learning, provide multiple, flexible options for engagement  VALUE – Incorporate collaborative groups 8

9  Texts, Lecture, Film, Graphics, Recordings, etc. 9

10  Cooperative group work, oral presentations, writing assignments, graphic organizers, student documentaries, story boards, etc. 10

11  Activate prior knowledge, use multi-cultural perspective, provide choices, assist in goal setting, etc. 11

12 Universal Design for Learning (UDL)  Let’s look at a 1st grade lesson through a UDL lens:  While viewing the Grade 1 video, jot down options for representation, action and expression, and/or engagement you observe during the lesson.  Turn and Talk with your table members and share your UDL findings.  After viewing David Rose’s commentary, share any new insights /”Aha” moments with your group. 12

13 13

14 Universal Design for Learning (UDL)  Let’s look at a second lesson through a UDL lens:  While viewing the Grade 6 Model video, jot down options for representation, action and expression, and/or engagement you observe during the lesson.  Turn and Talk with your table members and share your UDL findings.  After viewing David Rose’s commentary, share any new insights /”Aha” moments with your group. 14

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16  The student is disabled. He is unable to reach the expectations of the curriculum.  The curriculum is disabled. It is unable to reach the learning strengths and needs of the student. OR 16

17 Using the check list, Which UDL Principle, and your Universal Design For Learning Guidelines, decide which principle is represented for each of the 14 strategies. 17

18 Which UDL Principle? 1.Teacher provides use of computer–assisted instruction. 2.Students provide specific and continuous feedback to each other. 3. Teacher uses spiraling instruction to reinforce prior knowledge. 4. Students use multimedia tools, e.g., production of PP, webinars, Podcasts. 5.The teacher varies the size of text, images, graphs, tables or other visual content. 6. Students engage in Literature Circles or Socratic Seminars. 7. The teacher invites students to design artistic responses that reflect their learning. 18

19 Which the UDL Principle? 8. The teacher presents topic-related illustrations. 9. Students engage in learning activities based on their interests with their peers. 10.The teacher contrasts the background, text or image of an article being read. 11.Teacher allows students frequent breaks. 12. Students create photo or video essays. 13. Students create a timeline with words and graphics. 14. Students record what they know on a K/W/L chart with their peers. 19

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21 Using the check list, Which UDL Principle, and your Universal Design For Learning Guidelines, decide which principle is represented for each of the 14 strategies. 21

22 Strengthening Student Work Rigorous CCLS aligned Curriculum and Tasks for ALL students: -Continue to align curriculum and assessment to the Common Core Learning Standards -Continue to engage students in tasks (ELA, Math, SS, Sci) aligned to the CCLS with appropriate supports Strengthening Teacher Practice Planning and Preparation: Designing Coherent Instruction suitable for diverse learners Effective Feedback for ALL Teachers Strategic and purposeful professional development 22

23 UDL Framework  Addresses the primary barrier to fostering expert learners within instructional environments  Attends to learner variability by suggesting flexible goals, methods, materials, and assessments to meet varied needs  Encourages flexible design from the start  Allows learners to progress from where they are 23

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25 UDL Websites Network Website: National Center on Universal Design for Learning: Center for Applied Special Technology: Access Center: 25

26 26 Thank you!

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