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The Internet of Things Embedded Products Overview

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1 The Internet of Things Embedded Products Overview
© 2015 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 1 George Suwala Senior Product Line Manager, Embedded Products Cisco IoT Oct 12, 2015

2 Agenda Introduction Embedded Products Q&A ESR 5915, 5940, 5930 Routers
ESS 2020 Switch IOS S/W Router ESR 5921 Q&A Cisco Confidential 2

3 Extending Cisco Networks to the Extreme Edge
Standard Portfolio IoT Hardened IoT Embedded Extremely Rugged for Harshest Environments Highly Portable Low Size, Weight, Power Mobile/Edge Optimized HW/SW & SW Only Proven Solutions Core Technologies Industry Leadership Voice/Video/Data Convergence End to End Architectures Plant & Field Networking Physical Security Industrial Grade Seamlessly Integrates IT & Operational Environment Extreme Edge Campus Branch Plant Field

4 Embedded Primary Use Cases (noted by )
Industrial Public Sector Service Provider Market Manufacturing Transportation Energy Government Service Provider/ M2M Industry Verticals Auto, Heavy Equip/ Discrete, CPG Materials & Mining Rail, Transit Fleet, Public Safety Utilities Oil and Gas Local Government Government Defense & Safety SP/M2M Use Cases Converged Factory Network Plant&Control Room Mobility Secure Factory Controls Machine-as-a-Service Connected Mining Vehicle Connected Mine Operations Asset Tracking/ Personnel Safety Connected Train Connected Trackside Connected Station Distribution Automation Advanced Metering Infrastructure Substation Automation Workforce Enablement Oilfield Remote Operations Oilfield Collaborative Operations Secure Facility Operations Smart+Connected Parking Smart+Connected Traffic Smart+Connected City Wifi Connected Remote SP Operations Connected Supply Chain Connected Customer Kiosk Connected Operational Space Common Operational Picture Solutions Connected Factory Mine Rail Utility Oilfield City IoT Service Provider Defense

5 Agenda Introduction Embedded Products Q&A ESR 5915, 5940, 5930 Routers
ESS 2020 Switch IOS S/W Router ESR 5921 Q&A Cisco Confidential 5

6 IoT Embedded Products
5915 ESR, 5940 ESR, 5930 ESR Routers 5921 ESR Software-only Router IOS on Linux 3rd Party Hardware C5915 ESR PC 104, Mid Range C5940 ESR cPCI, High End C5930 ESR IOS s/w for PMC/VPX ESS 2020 Switch IE 2000 Based PC 104 Form Factor 2 GigE plus 8 or 24 10/100 All roadmap items are preliminary and subject to change without notice.

7 Cisco Embedded Products
Basic Deployment Model Cisco Embedded Products Partner Systems End User Platforms ESR 5915 ESR 5940 ESR 5930 ESR 5921 ESS 2020

8 Cisco’s Investment in Embedded Routing
Cisco 5915 ESR PC 104 - 40C to +85C ~165 kpps ~ 7 watts 2 FE Routed 3 FE Switched 1 Console Cisco ESR cPCI - 40C to +85C (CC) - 18C to + 52C (AC) ~ 972 kpps ~ 19 watts 4 GE Routed 1 Console Cisco 5915 ESR Air-cooled model Cisco 5940 ESR – Air-cooled model Cisco 5915 ESR Conduction cooled model Innovation fueled by industry (Military, Transportation, Commercial Mining, Public Safety, Industrial Automation) Hardened and ready to deploy Cisco 5940 ESR – Conduction-cooled model Military & Transporation These don’t have any ports, power supply, chassis etc… but RP module. Integrator build ports, power supply, chassis and use Cisco 59xx series for routing functionality Integrator doesn’t need to touch or modify software. So we are NOT customize HW nor SW customer by customer Cisco embedded routers Cisco 5915 PC 104 platform Conduction and Air Cooled Cisco 5940 cPCI platform Conduction and Air Cooled Rear Transmission Module © 2009, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Presentation_ID.scr

9 ESS 2020 Summary Ruggedized 2 GigE, 8 FE (24 FE Optional) IOS Switch
Cisco ESS 2020 PC 104 Mechanical Form Factor 2 GigE (copper and fiber supported) 8 10/100 (copper) on main board 16 10/100 on expansion board (total 24 10/100) Phy and magnetics on board RS-232 Console LED control -40C to +85C temperature range Temp Sensors (95C Red Alarm) 3.3V and 5V input 6.5W-8W power use (main board) Based on IE TC-G-L IOS Enterprise Lan Lite Software IOS LAN Base optional Approx the same features as IE 2000 Same performance Ruggedized 2 GigE, 8 FE (24 FE Optional) IOS Switch Thermal Conduction Cooling Plates (no cost option) More information at © 2009, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Presentation_ID.scr

10 5921 ESR s/w Router for 3rd Party Hardware
Customers have unique hardware needs and solutions Hardware running customer application often already exists Cisco IOS S/W can be added to provide routing, security, QoS, … Cisco 5921 ESR enables customers to efficiently develop secure networked devices Products shown are examples of the types of products available today that could utilize Cisco routing SW. Their inclusion here does not imply that the products currently use, or will use in the future, Cisco routing SW.

11 Cisco 5921 ESR Architecture
IOS Linux/VM BSP HW 3rd party App. 3rd Party App. Partner responsibility Cisco responsibility Optional Typical Use Case Control SW Physical Interfaces Interface Control User interface Other HW and/or SW Routing SW IOS as a Linux Application - Running on 3rd Party HW End user does not see or have access to IOS CLI

12 5921 ESR Applications Problem: specific hardware and connectors
Solution: BYOH (3rd party hardware) 2. Problem: specific interfaces (CAN, WiFi…) Solution: BYOI (Linux drivers) 3. Problem: specific application s/w Solution: BYOA (Application Enablement) 5921 ESR

13 Q&A IDC projects that by 2020 the digital universe will reach 40 zettabytes (ZB), which is 40 trillion GB of data, or 5,200 GB of data for every person on Earth. This amount exceeds previous forecasts by 5 ZBs, resulting in a 50-fold growth from the beginning of 2010.


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