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The Role and Contribution of the Copyright Industry for Economic Growth and Development By Getachew Mengistie, Intellectual property Law Consultant and.

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Presentation on theme: "The Role and Contribution of the Copyright Industry for Economic Growth and Development By Getachew Mengistie, Intellectual property Law Consultant and."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Role and Contribution of the Copyright Industry for Economic Growth and Development By Getachew Mengistie, Intellectual property Law Consultant and Attorney Presented at National Intellectual (IP) Policy Workshop: Elaboration of a national IP policy and strategy for namibia in cooperation with organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with the Government of Namibia Windhoek, Namibia, September 15, 2015

2 Outline of Presentation What is copyright/creative Industry? Contribution of Creative Industry for economic development Current Status and potential contribution of Creative industry in socio economic development in Africa Major Challenges of the Creative Industry Measures that should be taken Reasons for Action Conclusion

3 What is creative industry? WIPO defines Creative industries or Copyright based industries as consisting of core, interdependent copyright industries, partial copyright industries, non dedicated support industries  Core copyright industries- industries which are wholly engaged in creation, production manufacturing,performance,broadcast, communication and exhibition, or distribution and sales of works -ex- press and literature, motion picture, music, software, photography etc.;

4 What is creative industry?  Interdependent copyright industries-engaged in manufacture and sale of equipment –facilitate the creation, production or use of works- ex. TV sets, CDs, DVD  Partial copyright industries-engaged partly in activities is related to works and other protected subject matter and may involve creation, production and manufacturing, performance, broadcast, communication and exhibition or distribution and sales ex. Crafts, fashion  Non dedicated support industries-support- facilitate broadcast, communication, distribution or sale of works. Ex. Telecommunication, Internet

5 Indicators of economic contribution Value added –Percentage of GDP attributable to copyright and related rights industries Job creation –Ratio of industries’ employment to the total employment Export volume (International trade – imports and exports) - Volume in relation to other industries in the economy and share of trade revenue etc;

6 Contribution of CI for economic development Studies conducted in developed and developing countries USA 2002  generated$1,254 trillion or 12 % of the economy, an increase of more than 54% to 2001,which was 7.75%  provided employment opportunity for 11,476,000 or 8.41% of the total work force-entire health care& social assistance sector (15.3 mill) or the entire manufacturing sector (14.5 mil)  foreign sales and exports-estimated $89.26 billion- CCI exceeded chemicals & related products, food & animals, motor vehicles, parts& accessories, aircraft &associated equipment sectors

7 Contribution of CI A survey of 15 EU countries shows that CR-based industries contributed between 1.5% to 7% to the GDP and 2% to 4.3% of the total workforce Argentina-1999-2.3 % employment, 3% of GDP- exceeded food, chemical substance & products, electricity, gas & water services, extraction of petroleum Brazil-1998-$33 billion or 6.7%, 1.3 million employment, export gain 2000-$ 450mil CI not affected by the recent economic down turn- 12% decline in global trade in 2008 but 14% annual growth of CI

8 Current Status, potential & economic significance of CI in Africa Creative industries account for close to 6% of the World Trade, Africa’s share in global trade of creative products is less than 1 per cent of world exports African countries have huge potential for CI - Rich culture and tradition that may serve as a basis for CI - Potential to enter into international market & stay completive

9 Current Status, Potential & economic Significance of CI in Africa Emergence and growth of CI in a number of African countries- example Nigeria, South Africa, Egypt, Mali, Congo, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania etc., No comprehensive study yet Few studies and concrete examples  Nigeria's film industry is the third largest in the world, following the US and India. 'Nollywood' produces more than 1,000 films annually, and is the country's second most important industry after oil, generates US$2.75 billion and provides employment opportunity

10 Current Status, Potential & economic Significance of CI in Africa  A 2013 survey CR-based industries in Malawi contributed 3.46% to GDP, (ranking 8 th in country) and 3.35% to total employment  2011 study in south Africa showed CI contributes to 4.11% to the GDP, provides for 4.08% of employment and generated 4.07% export revenue

11 Current Status, Potential & economic Significance of CI in Africa  Kenya- ccopyright-based industries in 2007 contributed 5.32% of GDP and employ 3.26% of the total national workforce  ongoing studies in Ethiopia, Tanzania etc  Huge potential and resource pool for CI in a number of African countries

12 Challenges to African CI -- lack of conducive policy and inadequate legal framework -- Absence of clear policy direction --Piracy  is a global problem- WCO estimate- 5% of world trade, IFPI- 40 % of musical products  No comprehensive study made but preliminary surveys and estimates reveal that it is a serious problem- KCB- More than 90%, Zanzibar- 100% & Ethiopia- 90%

13 Challenges to African CI - Inadequate appreciation of the significance of CI - Lack or inadequate support to the industry- Access to capital, fiscal incentives and privileges etc --Inadequate enforcement capacity -Lack of or Inadequate organization/ organizational capacity -Competing works - Publication of music, film and books outside the country etc.,

14 What is needed to strengthen CIs Clear IP Policy and supportive policies Comprehensive and adequate law Implementation of policies & laws Support institutions involved in the administration & promotion of copyright Build human resource capacity- training in creative arts, copyright administration, management, and entrepreneurship. Design and implement target oriented awareness program

15 What is needed to strengthen CIs Incorporate IP into the curriculum of educational establishments Develop and implement enforcement strategy based on a study on the root causes and sources of piracy Improve access to finance, credit, and business support services for and emerging and export- ready firms and artists.

16 Stimulate local creative activities Support the emergence & thriving of creative industry that contribute to GDP, creation of employment opportunity and generate trade revenue Contributes to the preservation of culture and heritage Difficult to live in a world without copyrightable works Reasons for taking Measures

17 Tap huge cultural pool & opportunity that may serve as a basis for CI in African countries such as Namibia Easy to enter into and stay competitive in the growing and stable international market

18 Conclusion CI can make meaningful contribution to socio-economic development Huge untapped potential in Namibia Need to:- Recognize importance of the industry and nurture it Undertake a study on the actual and potential contribution of CI to development in Namibia Design and implement IP and related polices

19 Thank you very much for your attention!!

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