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Niamh Farren – AONTAS Communications Officer Public Relations Strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "Niamh Farren – AONTAS Communications Officer Public Relations Strategy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Niamh Farren – AONTAS Communications Officer Public Relations Strategy

2 What informs our campaign?  Changing economic climate – emphasise messages rather than demands  Platform for local and European elections campaign  Focus on the theme of Investment  Strong case studies from a number of different sectors  Research, and Statistics eg Don’t Stop Me Now

3 Key National Events &Themes  February 2 nd – STAR Awards Ceremony – ‘Celebrate Learning’. Keynote Speaker: Mary Kennedy.  February 3 rd – ‘Learn in the Community’  February 4 th – Senior Learners Day, and launch of ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’ at a Senior Learners Network meeting  February 5 th – ‘Learn at Work’ Day  February 6 th – ‘Lobby for Learning’

4 Promotional Plan  Phase One (from Jan 5 th ) – Posters circulated with dates, Events updated on web  Phase Two (from Jan 19 th ) – Launch of Curiosity Campaign  Phase Three (from Jan 26 th ) – Advertising Campaign, Press Releases to Local Media  Phase Four (from Feb 2 nd ) – Media Work and promotion through ‘Themed’ Days  Phase Five (from Feb 6 th ) – Follow Up

5 How can AONTAS help?  Promote your events through and through other print materials  Send you a pack with support materials  Circulate press releases in advance, which you can use for local media  Assist you with drafting a press release for your event  Circulate statistics to you, which you can send to local councillors and media  Put you forward as a spokesperson in promotional work  Assist you, or a spokesperson to prepare for a radio/ print interview

6 How you can help us promote adult learning  Organise events, and persuade others in your area to do same  Help us identify people you know who are willing to share their experience of adult learning  Let us know what is happening in your area, so we can include all details on the website  Contact your local media about your event and the Festival  Link your event into our national themes – Older Learners / Workplace Learning/Community Ed

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