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Experimental checks of low energy QCD precise predictions using π + π -, K + π - and K - π + atoms Leonid Nemenov JINR Dubna Prague 26.11.2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Experimental checks of low energy QCD precise predictions using π + π -, K + π - and K - π + atoms Leonid Nemenov JINR Dubna Prague 26.11.2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experimental checks of low energy QCD precise predictions using π + π -, K + π - and K - π + atoms Leonid Nemenov JINR Dubna Prague 26.11.2012

2 2Outline Low-energy QCD precise predictions Lattice calculation precise predictions Results on the ππ scattering lengths measurement Search for K + π - and K - π + atoms Status of the long-lived ππ atom states observation. Prospects of the Lamb-shift measurement. New prospects of DIRAC at SPS CERN

3 CERN Geneva, Switzerland Kyoto University Kyoto, Japan Bern University Bern, Switzerland KEK Tsukuba, Japan Santiago de Compostela University Santiago de Compostela, Spain University of Messina Messina, Italy IHEP Protvino, Russia INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati Frascati, Italy SINP of Moscow State University Moscow, Russia JINR Dubna, Russia Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR Rez, Czech Republic IFIN-HH Bucharest, Romania Institute of Physics ASCR Prague, Czech Republic Tokyo Metropolitan University Tokyo, Japan Czech Technical University Prague, Czech Republic DIRAC collaboration Zurich University Zurich, Switzerland Kyoto Sangyou University Kyoto, Japan

4 4 perturbative QCD: L QCD (q,g) Interaction  „weak“ (asympt. freedom): expansion in coupling. Check only L sym (m q << ) L weak L QCD L QED Standard ModelQ>>Q<< LOW energy (large distance) HIGH energy (small distance) chiral sym. & breaking: L eff (GB: ,K,  ) Interaction  „strong“ (confinement) - but: expansion in mom. & mass. Check L sym as well as L non-sym L QCD = L sym + L non-sym (chiral symmetry) spontaneously broken symmetry quark- condensate Theoretical motivation

5 5 Theoretical status In ChPT the effective Lagrangian, which describes the  interaction, is an expansion in (even) terms: Colangelo et al. in 2001, using ChPT (2-loop) & Roy equations: These results (precision) depend on the low-energy constants (LEC) l 3 and l 4 : Lattice gauge calculations from 2006 provided values for these l 3 and l 4. Because l 3 and l 4 are sensitive to the quark condensate, precision measurements of a 0, a 2 are a way to study the structure of the QCD vacuum. (tree) (1-loop) (2-loop)

6 The expansion of in powers of the quark masses starts with the linear term:  scattering ChPT predicts s-wave scattering lengths: The estimates indicate values in the range 0 < < 5 Measurement of  improved the value of is the quark condensate, reflecting the property of QCD vacuum. where


8 8 The lifetime of  +  − atoms is dominated by the annihilation process into  0  0 : a 0 and a 2 are the  S-wave scattering lengths for isospin I=0 and I=2. Pionium (A 2   is a hydrogen-like atom consisting of  + and  - mesons: E B =-1.86 keV, r B =387 fm, p B ≈0.5 MeV If π+π+ ππ π0π0 π0π0 Pionium lifetime

9 9 K+K+ ππ K0K0 π0π0 (**) J. Schweizer (2004) From Roy-Steiner equations: K + π − and K − π + atoms lifetime K  -atom (A K   is a hydrogen-like atom consisting of K + and  − mesons: E B = -2.9 keV r B = 248 fm p B ≈ 0.8 MeV The K  -atom lifetime (ground state 1S),  =1/  is dominated by the annihilation process into K 0  0 : ** If

10 10 The production yield strongly increases for smaller Q p nucleus ++ -- Strong interaction For small Q there are Coulomb pairs :  +  -,  K, K + K -, πµ C- pairs  +  -,  K, K + K -, πµ atoms Coulomb pairs and atoms ++ ++ -- ++ -- -- ++ -- ++ --

11 11 Target Ni 98  m A2πA2π p 24 GeV/c p π+π+ π−π− π−π− π+π+ p π−π− π+π+ π+π+ π0π0 π+π+ , , ,… η, η ’, … (NC)(NC) (NA)(NA) Atomic pairs (nA)(nA) p π−π− π+π+ 24 GeV/c p Coulomb correlated pairs Non-Coulomb pairs Accidental pairs Interaction point Method of A 2π observation and measurement


13 13 Solution of the transport equations provides one-to-one dependence of the measured break-up probability (P br ) on pionium lifetime τ Break-up probability All targets have the same thickness in radiation lengths 6.7*10 -3 X 0 There is an optimal target material for a given lifetime Cross section calculation precision 0.6%

14 Modifided parts MDC - microdrift gas chambers, SFD - scintillating fiber detector, IH – ionization hodoscope. DC - drift chambers, VH – vertical hodoscopes, HH – horizontal hodoscopes, Ch – nitrogen Cherenkov, PSh - preshower detectors, Mu - muon detectors 14 Upgraded DIRAC setup DIRAC setup

15 15 ←All events ← After background subtraction Q L distribution DIRAC results with GEM/MSGC

16 16 Q L <2 MeV/c Q L >2 MeV/c ← After background subtraction for Q L <2MeV/c Q T distribution DIRAC results with GEM/MSGC

17 ...without constraint between a  and a 2 : 2009 NA48/2 (EPJ C64, 589)...with ChPT constraint between a  and a 2 : Comparition with other experimental results and 2% and 3.4% theory uncertainty...without constraint between a  and a 2 :...with ChPT constraint between a  and a 2 : 2010 NA48/2 (EPJ C70, 635)

18 Published results on π π atom: lifetime & scattering length DIRAC data  1s    s  value stat syst theo* tot | a 0 – a 2 | value stat syst theo* tot Reference 2001 PL B 619 (2005) 50 2001-03 PL B 704 (2011) 24 NA48 K-decay a 0 – a 2 value stat syst theo tot Reference 2009K3K3 EPJ C64 (2009) 589 2010K e4 & K 3  EPJ C70 (2010) 635 * theoretical uncertainty included in systematic error

19 New data on ππ atom production

20 Multiple scattering measurement 100 mkm Ni target

21 21 π + π − data Statistics for measurement of |a 0 -a 2 | scattering length difference and expected precision Year nAnA δ stat (%) Δ syst (%) δ syst (%) MS δ tot (%) 2001-2003210003. 2008-2010 *240003.0 2.54.3 2001-2003 2008-2010 450002.13.0 (2.1) 2.5 (1.25) 3.7 (3.0) * There is 40% of data with a higher background whose implication is under investigation.

22 22 The measurement of the s- wave πK scattering lengths would test our understanding of the chiral SU(3) L  SU(3) R symmetry breaking of QCD ( u, d and s quarks), while the measurement of ππ scattering lengths checks only the SU(2) L  SU(2) R symmetry breaking ( u, d quarks). What new will be known if  K scattering length will be measured? This is the principal difference between ππ and πK scattering! Experimental data on the πK low-energy phases are absent  K scattering

23 23

24 24

25 Long-lived π + π − atoms 25 The observation of ππ atom long-lived states opens the future possibility to measure the energy difference between ns and np states  E(ns-np) and the value of ππ scattering lengths |2a 0 +a 2 |. If a resonance method can be applied for the  E(ns-np) measurement, then the precision of ππ scattering length measurement can be improved by one order of magnitude relative to the precision of other methods.


27 CERN, Geneva - Monday 26, September, 2011 M. Pentia nHnH τ H 10 8 sτ 2π 10 11 s Decay length A 2π in L.S. cm for γ=16.1 2p0.161.175.7 3p0.543.9419 4p1.249.0544 5p2.4017.584.5 6p4.129.9144 7p 46.8 * 226 8p 69.3 * 335 A 2π lifetime, τ, in np states * - extrapolated values 27

28 L. Afanasev; O. Gorchakov (DIPGEN) Atomic pairs from “long-lived A 2π ” breakup in 2μm Pt. “Long-lived A 2π ” yield and quantum numbers 28





33 Magnet design Layout of the dipole magnet (arrows indicate the direction of magnetization) Opera 3D model with surface field distribution Integrated horizontal field homogeneity inside the GFR X×Y = 20 mm × 30 mm: ∆∫Bxdz/ ∫Bx(0,0,z)dz [%] Horizontal field distribution along z-axis at X=Y=0 mm ∫Bx(0,0,z)dz= 24.6×10 -3 [T×m]





38 38 Impact on atomic beam by external magnetic field B lab and Lorentz factor γ ++  See: L. Nemenov, V. Ovsiannikov, Physics Letters B 514 (2001) 247. …. relative distance between  + and   in A 2  system …. laboratory magnetic field …electric field in A 2  system Lamb shift measurement with external magnetic field


40 40 Resonant enhancement

41 41 Charged secondary Proton beam p ResonatorsResonators γ res1 γ res2 γ res3 γ res4 00 Pt foil 00 00 00 00 00 ++ -- A * 2  A*  A*  K Resonant method

42 42 A 2π and A πK production

43 A 2π and A πK production on PS and SPS at CERN

44 Yield ratio π + π − atoms17 π + K − atoms35 K + π − atoms27 The ratio of π + π −, π + K − and K + π − atom yields at the proton momenta 450 GeV/c and angle 4 ◦ to the yields at the proton momenta 24 GeV/c and angle 5.7 ◦. A 2π and A πK production on PS and SPS at CERN

45 Conclusion DIRAC experiment on PS CERN measured π + π - atom lifetime with precision about 9%. With the existing additional statistic the lifetime will be measured with precision about 6% and ππ scattering lengths with accuracy about 3%. The existing statistics allows to measure the K π cross section production. The statistics obtained in 2011 and 2012 allows to observe the long-lived π + π - atoms

46 Conclusion The same setup on SPS CERN will allow: To measure the K π atom lifetime with precision better than 10% and to perform the first measurement of K π scattering lengths To measure the Lamb shift of π + π - atom.

47 Thank you for your attention

48 48 I. ChPT predicts s-wave scattering lengths:  K scattering lengths V. Bernard, N. Kaiser, U. Meissner. – 1991 J. Bijnens, P. Talaver. – April 2004 A. Rossel. – 1999 II. Roy-Steiner equations: P.Büttiker et al. − 2004


50 Mechanical structure

51 L. Nemenov, V. Ovsiannikov (P. L. 2oo1) F – strength of electric field in A 2π c.m.s. → m must be 0 B L in lab. syst. CONCLUSION: the lifetimes for long-lived states can be calculated using only one parameter → E 2s -E 2p. The lifetime of A 2π in electric field 51 mmmmmmmmmm m

52 Period L of resonators for γ =16 Transition 2S-2P 3S-3P 4S-4P 5S-5P L, μ 40 125 320 525

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