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Year 7 Assessing without levels

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1 Year 7 Assessing without levels

2 Why change? With the removal of NC levels at KS3, there is a need to adopt a new assessment system that will work for us as a school. This is the perfect opportunity for all subjects to review the current KS3 curriculum and make changes to better prepare students for KS4. Make KS3 a focus for us as a school To empower you as parents to be able to take an active role in your child’s learning. To give you more helpful information in relation to your child’s progress. To establish a learning dialogue between all stake holders SJH

3 The main changes Students will be placed into different ‘learning bands’ for each subject. These learning bands have been carefully designed so that maximum progress can be made for any given starting point. Student progress will be measured against these bands, and reported as whether they are above/on/below in terms of expected progress. Reflection weeks – opportunity for parental engagement/books sent home

4 Banding – Y7 KS3 Bands Old GCSE Grade New approx forecast GCSE grade Excellence A* 8-9 Secure B-A 6-7 Developing C-B 4-5 Foundation G-D 1-3 Subjects have been set using KS2 results and baseline testing. No specific target for end of Y7 – however pupils must remain in band, or exceed it – aspiration is to move upwards to the next band JBA

5 What will students in Y7 receive
Joe BLOGGS Subject End of Year 7 Band Mathematics Excellence Science Secure Art Drama French Developing Geography History ICT Music PE RE Technology JBA

6 What will you as parents receive?
Info pack including 1st HT SoW assessment grids - today Assessment grids will subsequently then be moved to the school website Banding info along with list of student’s band for each subject Band Old GCSE Grade New approx forecast GCSE grade Excellence A* 8-9 Secure B-A 6-7 Developing C-B 4-5 Foundation G-D 1-3 JBA

7 Assessment grids - Year
Subjects have created ‘flightpaths’ for each band across KS3. These list the requirements for the end of the year. Year 8 Performing Composing Listening/AoS/Notation Year 7 Excellence Expression demonstrated in performance (dynamics/phrasing etc.) Able to make adjustments to fit within a group piece Compose in different styles. Able to compose using chords along with appropriate musical devices for the style Notate performance/composition notes to inform planning. Able to identify and compare use of elements in music. Accurately identify instruments and musical devices Secure Perform from memory/notation. Provide rhythmic support or take a solo. Use 2 hands Use appropriate musical devices in composition. Able to demonstrate 1 or 2 elements well. Understanding of how to create different moods Analyse and compare musical features. Can write down basic notation onto stave. Able to correctly identify instruments within a unit of work Developing Perform from memory/notation. Maintain own part within a group piece Use appropriate musical devices in composition. Use of 2 or more layers Describe and compare different kinds of music using keywords. Can write down basic notation onto stave Foundation Perform/improvise simple melodic/rhythmic parts with awareness of effect of combining sounds Develop ideas within a structure. Compositions feature improvised ideas Recognise different musical elements. Able to identify some staff notation Develop ideas within a structure. Use 2 or more layers Describe, compare, evaluate music using keywords. To be able to maintain a melody line in a performance situation. Create simple patterns from a stimulus with guidance. Recognise the basic elements of music and be able to improve their own work with support

8 Assessment grids – ½ Term/Scheme of work
Subjects have also created assessment grids for each scheme of work. These list the requirements for each band and are specific to that particular scheme of work KS3 Bands Key knowledge Key Skills Excellence Students able to anaylse and compare musical features – assessed through homework on ‘the elements’. Able to correctly identify instruments within the unit and pick out key elements in listening and explain the effects Students able to perform the entire Titanic piece as a solo using 2 hands Perform in time with a backing beat or another student Include expressive features, such as changing dynamics Secure Students able to describe and compare different kinds of music using keywords based on the elements – assessed through homework. Students recognise different instruments through listening exercises Students able to perform the entire Titanic piece as part of a duet Perform in time with a backing beat Some thought on expressive playing – changing instrument sounds etc Developing Students are able to recognise some of the elements through listening work and accurately describe some of them in homework. Able to perform verse or chorus as part of a duet, mostly in time Foundation Students are able to understand some of the effects of changing the elements. They can spot when a mood changes, and may be able to describe what changed to cause the effect Able to perform the verse using one hand, but may not always be in time Armed with this information, you as parents/carers will have a much better understanding of how your child is progressing and what they need to do to improve.

9 Reflection Weeks Reflection weeks are an opportunity for students to reflect on their learning. It is proven that students will retain more information if they have had opportunities for regular review of learning. Building reflection weeks into our KS3 SoW will better prepare our students for moving onto more challenging concepts because they will have retained more of the key information required to progress. SJH

10 Reflection Weeks Carried out during the 5th week of each half term – starting half term 2 for year 7. Learners given the opportunity to ask questions and revisit material covered, and activities are planned to allow all learners to reflect and embed learning. Books sent home to allow parents to view progress in books/see feedback from staff. Space in books for parents to comment/raise any concerns. Staff feedback will reflect assessment grids. Students given the opportunity to look ahead – how does their learning fit into the big picture? How will their learning prepare them for future units/topics? SJH

11 Assessment, Reporting & Recording
Assessment will be completed against new assessment grids Ongoing assessment will be recorded as on/above/below in relation to band First report home – 29th March 2016. JBA

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