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CJD Eutin is part of the nationwide CJD. Non-governmental association founded in 1947 Nationwide over 160 institutions 8,000 employees, annually 90,000.

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Presentation on theme: "CJD Eutin is part of the nationwide CJD. Non-governmental association founded in 1947 Nationwide over 160 institutions 8,000 employees, annually 90,000."— Presentation transcript:

1 CJD Eutin is part of the nationwide CJD. Non-governmental association founded in 1947 Nationwide over 160 institutions 8,000 employees, annually 90,000 people are reached CJD association is active in several fields: Professional Education; Schooling; Educational Measures & Migration Target groups: youth and young adults, seniors, immigrants, unemployed adults & youth, handicapped, young mothers … V.I.D.E.O. CV Presentation CJD Eutin

2 V.I.D.E.O. CV Presentation CJD Eutin CJD Eutin was founded in 1990. The CJD Eutin is active in the fields of migration & integration and training & qualification on local, regional, national and international level. The CJD Eutin conducts projects and measures both in social work and in social research

3 In the fields of education, consultation and social work for adults and youths the CJD Eutin operates region-wide  professional training & further qualification  Youth migration service  Employment integration measures  Integration, Language & Qualifying courses V.I.D.E.O. CV Presentation CJD Eutin

4 CJD Eutin conducts research & policy projects on European and national levels  Migration & integration  Integration into the labour market (e.g. targeting migrants)  Minors, justice and delinquency Projects are funded from diverse national and EU sources: European Fund for Integration (former INTI), Leonardo, National Integration Fund, XENOS-Programme, Bundesministerium für Arbeit & Soziales … V.I.D.E.O. CV Presentation CJD Eutin

5 Networks – Dissemination … into CJD institutions working in field of professional education (practical/training) … into Ministerial institutions (Federal Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs; Federal Ministry for Family BMFSFJ) (sensitisation/awareness-raising) … local & regional authorities (Schleswig-Holstein) … other contacts to political stakeholders, NGOs, research institutes, universities at national & European levels V.I.D.E.O. CV Presentation CJD Eutin

6 Expertise for V.I.D.E.O:  Methodological expertise: design & implementation of empirical social research  Practical work in the field & contact to target group  Management, steering and evaluation of projects  Dissemination contacts for testing and political sensitisation V.I.D.E.O. CV Presentation CJD Eutin

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