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And then what happened, Paul Revere? Author: Jean Fritz

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Presentation on theme: "And then what happened, Paul Revere? Author: Jean Fritz"— Presentation transcript:

1 And then what happened, Paul Revere? Author: Jean Fritz
Genre: Biographical And then what happened, Paul Revere? Author: Jean Fritz PAGES 23-45

2 express Page 22 Meaning: Fast, direct, and non- stop.
Sentence: Many people in the city will take the subway to get to work fast because it is an express route.

3 sentries Page 22 Meaning: soldiers who watch for danger
Sentence: These sentries guard Buckingham Palace so that it is safe for the royal family.

4 patriot Page 25 Meaning: a person who loves and defends their country (a colonist against British rule) Sentence: This patriot is shown fighting against British rule and trying to win freedom for his fellow colonists.

5 steeple Page 27 Meaning: a tall tower rising from the roof of a church
Sentence: The church’s steeple was so tall that it almost seemed to be able to reach the clouds.

6 revolution Page 41 Meaning: Promoting a radical political or social change; the war that gained our liberty from England Sentence: The American Revolution succeeded in securing the rights for American citizens by bringing about political change.

7 spurs Page 28 Meaning: short spikes attached to the heels of a rider’s boots to urge a horse forward Sentence: The cowboy’s horse ran faster when he kicked it with his sharp spurs.

8 succession Page 41 Meaning: a sequence
Sentence: The dominoes fell one after the other in succession until none were left standing.

9 foundry Page 43 Meaning: a place where metals are casted and molded
Sentence: Bells were casted and molded at Paul Revere’s foundry.

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