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The War for Independence British and American Strengths First Shot Fired Independence War Peace Treaty.

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Presentation on theme: "The War for Independence British and American Strengths First Shot Fired Independence War Peace Treaty."— Presentation transcript:

1 The War for Independence British and American Strengths First Shot Fired Independence War Peace Treaty

2 Going into the War 1/3 Patriots, 1/3 Loyalists, 1/3 neutral. 1/3 Patriots, 1/3 Loyalists, 1/3 neutral. British advantages: They were the super British advantages: They were the super –Power of the world, the richest, strongest. Large experienced military and navy, 9 m –Pop to 3.5. American Advantages: Home field (know American Advantages: Home field (know –Land, supply chain easier, fight harder). GW –Used Fabian tactics, just stay alive. More –Motivated, better leadership.

3 “Shot heard around the World” First Continental Congress: called for an First Continental Congress: called for an –End of the Intolerable Acts, boycott (Commission). Lexington and Concord: Parliament votes Lexington and Concord: Parliament votes –For a show of strength. Gage attacks armory. –Paul Revere. “Minute Men.” Britain retreats. Bunker Hill: “wait until you see the whites Bunker Hill: “wait until you see the whites –Of their eyes.” Americans fight hard, but –Run out of ammunition. This is a real war.

4 Lexington: first shots, 8 dead

5 Bunker and Breed’s Hill

6 Independence Tom Paine: Common Sense: 150,000 sold. Tom Paine: Common Sense: 150,000 sold. –Attacked king, called for independence Second Continental Congress: Adams, Second Continental Congress: Adams, –GW, TJ, Hancock, Patrick Henry, Franklin, –1) GW head of Continental Army, 2) money Declaration of Independence (7/4/76) Declaration of Independence (7/4/76) –Jefferson (1 st draft), Adams, and Franklin –1) Natural Rights, Locke –2) List of grievances against the King. –3) Ideas nation strives for. “promissory note.”

7 Washington takes command

8 Declaration of Independence

9 Revolution(1776-1781) GW: building a regular army, Steuben GW: building a regular army, Steuben Battle at Long Island (Aug.27, 1776) Battle at Long Island (Aug.27, 1776) Trenton and Princeton: surprise attacks Trenton and Princeton: surprise attacks Britain three pronged strategy: Borgoyne Britain three pronged strategy: Borgoyne –Push down from Lake Champlain, St. Leger –Come across from Lake Ontario, Howe –Up Hudson, but he goes to Philadelphia. Battle at Saratoga (Oct.17, 1777) Arnold Battle at Saratoga (Oct.17, 1777) Arnold –Gates. Big victory for Patriots. France and America make a treaty. Franklin in Paris.

10 Battle at Trenton

11 Battle at Saratoga

12 War ends Howe Defeats GW at Philadelphia Howe Defeats GW at Philadelphia Valley Forge: cold winter Valley Forge: cold winter Southern Strategy: Britain goes south, Southern Strategy: Britain goes south, –Offers to free the slaves, more Loyalists, –Guerrilla war, Charlestown, Nathaniel Green. Yorktown (Oct.17, 1780). Cornwallis Yorktown (Oct.17, 1780). Cornwallis –Trapped on Virginia peninsula. GW swarms –In from all direction. French navy. Surrender.

13 Valley Forge

14 Peace of Paris Franklin diplomat in Paris Franklin diplomat in Paris 1) America recognized as a nation 1) America recognized as a nation 2) Borders: Canada, Mississippi, Florida 2) Borders: Canada, Mississippi, Florida 3) Britain agreed to withdraw troops 3) Britain agreed to withdraw troops 4) America agreed to pay loyalists 4) America agreed to pay loyalists –“earnestly recommended.” 100,000 –Loyalists left the country, tried to sue. 5) America will pay all pre-war debts 5) America will pay all pre-war debts

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