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09/15 Bellringer Look at your charts from Friday on the events leading up to the War for Independence. What do you think are the 3 events that contributed.

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Presentation on theme: "09/15 Bellringer Look at your charts from Friday on the events leading up to the War for Independence. What do you think are the 3 events that contributed."— Presentation transcript:

1 09/15 Bellringer Look at your charts from Friday on the events leading up to the War for Independence. What do you think are the 3 events that contributed the most to the growing divide between Britain & her colonies? What could the English government have done to prevent conflict? What could the colonists have done?

2 The Road to Revolution (1763-1776) The end of the French & Indian War (1763), marked the start of the road towards the American Revolution In small groups, create a flow chart of the events leading up to a declaration of war.

3 “Sons of Liberty” & “Daughters of Liberty” The colonial boycotts were effective & Britain repealed the Stamp Act

4 This was a series of “indirect” taxes on lead, glass, paper, tea, etc. Colonists created committees of correspondence to communicate with each other


6 Paul Revere’s etching of the Boston Massacre became an American best-sellerBoston Massacre Colonists injured British soldiers by throwing snowballs & oyster shells With only 4 dead, this was hardly a “massacre” but it reveals the power of colonial propaganda




10 By December 1775, the British and American colonists were fighting an “informal revolutionary war”…but: Colonial leaders had not yet declared independence In 1776, Thomas Paine’s Common Sense convinced many neutral colonists to support independence from Britain By July 1776, colonists drafted the Declaration of Independence

11 Examining Excerpts from Thomas Paine’s Common Sense and the Declaration of Independence

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