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Roe Lee Park School Newsletter July 2007 Friday 5 th July 2013 Newsletter PTO for more info and diary dates… Fantastic Friday Children who don’t usually.

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Presentation on theme: "Roe Lee Park School Newsletter July 2007 Friday 5 th July 2013 Newsletter PTO for more info and diary dates… Fantastic Friday Children who don’t usually."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roe Lee Park School Newsletter July 2007 Friday 5 th July 2013 Newsletter PTO for more info and diary dates… Fantastic Friday Children who don’t usually have a school dinner have the option to have one on Fridays. Fantastic Friday menu for Friday 12 th July 2013 is: Lamb Burgers with Chips Jacket potato Sweetcorn Milk and water Dessert – Small Vanilla Ice Cream tubs Please ensure there is consistency in your child’s lunch during the rest of the week. 01254 54851 Breakfast Club Tuesday Treat next week will be ‘bagels’. Breakfast club is £1 and everyone is welcome. Key stage 2 performance Thank you to everyone who came to watch our key stage 2 performance of ‘Dracula Rock Show’. We hope you enjoyed watching as much as our children enjoyed performing it. Reminder There has been an increased number of children coming to school without a coat. With the uncertainty in the weather, please make sure your child comes to school with a coat or waterproof jacket. Thank you. Clubs – Last week for clubs next week (week ending Friday 12 th July). Ramadan Fasting This week Principal Issap from Masjid-e-Anwaar has visited school to talk to our key stage 2 children about the principles of Ramadan. Children have been made aware that it is not compulsory to keep a fast unless they have reached puberty. If your child is of this age and will be keeping a fast during school time, then please contact school to discuss this with us. Sports Day School sports day has been postponed until next week. We shall inform you via text and school website of day and time. Please ensure school has your up to date contact information. Unfortunately due to the uncertain weather, you will be informed at short notice. Parent Workshops A big thank you to everyone who attended our parent workshops over the two weeks. We had a very positive response and they were enjoyed by all. More dates to be added in the new academic year. Local artist Brian Healey will be coming to work with Years 1, 2, 3, and 5 as part of our local area topic. Please see diary dates for the date the artist will be in your child’s class.

2 Diary Dates Saturday 6 th JulyChildren’s University Graduation Monday 8 th JulyYear 2 trip to Blackpool Zoo Monday 8 th JulyArtist in Year 1 Tuesday 9 th JulyArtist in Year 2 Wednesday 10 th JulyArtist in Year 3 Thursday 11 th JulyArtist in Year 5 Thursday 11 th JulyYear 3 at Witton Park Thursday 11 th JulyYear 2 Corporation Park Friday 12 th JulySummer Reports out to Parents Monday 15 th JulyParents drop in evening Monday 22 nd JulyYear 6 Leavers Assembly Monday 22 nd JulyClose at 1.30pm for Summer Holidays Monday 9 th SeptemberSchool re-open for Autumn Term 2013 Gold Book Winners Congratulations to all the children who were the Gold Book Winners this week. They are; Reception – Aurangzeab Ashraf and Sehir Raza Year 1 – Firdaus Namaji and Hasnain Patel Year 2 – Ruhina Vaid and Iram Malik Year 3 – Zakir Patel and Aishah Amin Year 4 – Izza Ali and Hafsa Patel Year 5 – Saadiq Suleman and Waleed Anjum Year 6 – Cast and Crew of ‘Dracula Rock Show’ production Welfare Stars – Wasimul Haque in Reception and Nurjahaan Valli in Year 1 A big well done to all of you. Teller of the Week The Teller this week is Mohammed Zaid Patel in Year 2. Well done Mohammed Zaid! Attendance Award This week’s Attendance Award goes to Year 2. Well done Year 2! Top table This week’s children on the top table are; Waqar Hussain and Farhaan Saeed in Reception, Zahra Mohammed and Ummaimah Patel in Year 1, Adam Gulab and Armaan Ali in Year 2, Safa Akram and Aishah Amin in Year 3, Qasim Hussain and Adil Chand in Year 4, Aiman Arif and Faeza Rehman in Year 5 and Anas Patel and Awais Akram in Year 6. Well done to all of you. Housepoint’s winners this week are Rubies – Well done.

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