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UNGEI GAC Asia-Pacific Technical Meeting Kathmandu, Nepal June 2008 Group 1: Discussion Output.

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Presentation on theme: "UNGEI GAC Asia-Pacific Technical Meeting Kathmandu, Nepal June 2008 Group 1: Discussion Output."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNGEI GAC Asia-Pacific Technical Meeting Kathmandu, Nepal June 2008 Group 1: Discussion Output

2 Group 1: Members: Mr.Dorjravan Erdenechimeg, Mongolia Mr.Gankhuyag Ochirhuyag, Mongolia Dr.Benjalug Namfa, Thailand Mrs.Pathoomrat Rianpaisarn, Thailand Mr.Rangsun Wiboonuppatum, Thailand Mr.Baburam Dhungana, Nepal Ms.Changu Mannathodko, Sr. Education Advisor, New York Ms.Aya Aoki, UNGEI regional focal point Ms.Mita Gupta, UNGEI regional focal point Ms.Nora Fyles, CIDA Ms. Elizabeth Heen, Norad

3 Four major themes (Gender Equality in Education) Priorities of education quality Good practices Knowledge gaps, skills and data Strategic recommendations to UNGEI

4 Priorities of education quality Inclusive strategies for hard to reach groups Curriculum and Teaching/Learning resources Teacher management & training Enabling environments

5 Good practices Build evidence based approach Gender-sensitive school standards Utilizing strategy opportunities (eg. Education Master Plan) Cash incentives (teachers, students) Systematic implementations of child-friendly schools (whole school model) Consensus among partners, stakeholders at policy level

6 Knowledge of skills, gaps, and data Qualitative research/gender analysis needed Understanding of masculinity/faminity Evidence-based policy linkage Learning outcome in CFS (gender perspectives)

7 Strategic recommendations to UNGEI Gender dimension in FTI plan (eg. CFS framework) Right-based, whole school child centered approaches Documenting, sharing of good practices (translations) Gender watch equality Participation of girls as advocacy roles

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