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All About Spiders By C Gillespie. Spiders have eight hairy legs.

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Presentation on theme: "All About Spiders By C Gillespie. Spiders have eight hairy legs."— Presentation transcript:

1 All About Spiders By C Gillespie

2 Spiders have eight hairy legs.

3 Can you see the hairs on the spiders legs? They use the hairs on their legs to smell and hear sounds.

4 If you see a spider with less than eight legs, it must have had an accident and lost one. This poor spider has hurt one of its legs.

5 Spiders have a big bottom called the abdomen.

6 Most spiders have eight eyes. This is a robot spider that came to Liverpool. The man sitting on the top has the remote control.

7 Mrs Gillespie found a spider just like this one in her kitchen sink. It was under the breakfast bowls, probably looking for curds and whey!

8 Spiders spin webs to catch their food.

9 The webs are made from silk from the spider’s spinneret on his abdomen.

10 Spiders work very hard to make their sticky webs. They have to make a new one every day.

11 This web is called an ‘orb’ web because it has a round shape. Orb webs are the best type of web for catching food because they are the biggest.

12 We could make spider costumes!

13 We could make spiders with food! cakes biscuits

14 We could make a dough spider, a paper plate spider, a sparkly web picture, a handprint spider, weave a web, glue a web, or make an egg carton spider.

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