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One of these things is not like the others!. Directions Look at the pictures on the following slides. Determine which 1 of the 4 pictures is “not like.

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Presentation on theme: "One of these things is not like the others!. Directions Look at the pictures on the following slides. Determine which 1 of the 4 pictures is “not like."— Presentation transcript:

1 One of these things is not like the others!

2 Directions Look at the pictures on the following slides. Determine which 1 of the 4 pictures is “not like the others”. Write down the reason why that picture is not like the others. Keep your answers to yourself until the end. Prepare to share with the rest of the class at the end of this activity.

3 Animals Pig Cow Sheep Fish

4 SPORTS Soccer Hockey Basketball Football

5 VEHICLES Honda Ford Nissan Toyota

6 POP CULTURE Taylor Swift Shakira Lady Gaga Jennifer Aniston

7 EXTREME SPORTS Skiing Parasailing Wakeboarding Skating

8 ANSWERS! 1.Fish 2.Ford 3.Hockey 4.Jennifer Aniston 5.Parasailing

9 SAEP Supervised Agricultural Experience Program

10 What is an SAEP? A.Any and all supervised agricultural experiences that are learned outside of the regularly scheduled class. a.Supervised: Looked after and directed. b.Agricultural: Business and/or employment in agriculture, agribusiness, or renewable resources. c.Experience : Any thing and everything that is observed, done, or lived through. d.Program: The record keeping of all plans, activities, and experiences.

11 Purpose of SAEP’s A.Provide opportunities to explore a variety of agricultural careers. B.Provide opportunities for earning while learning. C.Develop valuable work skills such as…? D.Assure recognition for individual achievement. E.Provide educational and practical experiences in a specialized area of agriculture.

12 Types of SAE Programs A.Ownership/Entrepreneurship SAE Program a.Enterprises(projects) conducted by students as owners or managers. b.May be conducted as an agribusiness, providing a service or commodity. B.Placement SAE Programs a.Enterprises(projects) conducted by students who is employee in agricultural –related entity. b.Could be paid or volunteer.

13 Examples Ownership A. Crop Enterprises: Growing fruit/vegetables, plants, grains, hay, forestry products B. Agribusiness: Work for farm you own, ranch, greenhouse, nursery, or aquaculture facility. C. Animal: Breed beef, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, rabbits, horse, dairy, cavies, and others. D. Animal: Raise market beef, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, rabbits, and cavies.

14 Example Placement A. Work for a kennel, feed store, pet shop, florist, or garden center. B. Start a landscape Service, provide custom farm work, animal Care and Boarding, machine repair, and custom welding or metalwork.

15 Selecting an SAEP A.Personal Interest a.Personal interest is an important factor in selecting an SAEP. Consider the kinds of activities you like to do and then build on those interests. B.Resource Inventory a.It is important to take into consideration those assets and sources of help that may be available for conducting SAEP activities. This might include information about your home, possible job opportunities, personal contacts, or current agricultural experience.

16 FFA Record Book A.All SAEP activities are recorded in the FFA Record Book including: a.Calendar b.Business Agreement(s) c.Budget(s) d.Journal e.Financial Statement f.Income Summary

17 Recognition for SAEP’s A.FFA Degrees a.The FFA awards FFA degrees on the growth and development of a students SAEP. B.Proficiency Awards a.Recognize individuals who excel in their SAEP. b.Awards are presented from the chapter to national level. c.Rewards sometimes include money at state and national. C.Star Awards a.Recognize the very best projects in the following areas: i.Star in Agriscience ii.Star in Agribusiness iii.Star in Agricultural Placement iv.Star Farmer

18 PAUSE HERE. Let’s do something with this info!

19 Battle Royale! 1.What does SAE stand for? 2.SAEs allow us to _____ while we learn. 3.What is the most important factor in selecting an SAE?. 4.What is important to take into consideration when selecting an SAE?

20 Battle Royale! 5. Which category would ‘custom metal work’ fit into? 6. What makes entrepreneurship and placement enterprises different? 7. How are SAE’s recorded? 8. What are two different awards for recognizing SAE accomplishments?

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