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Lecture 5 Barometric formula and the Boltzmann equation (continued) Notions on Entropy and Free Energy Intermolecular interactions: Electrostatics.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 5 Barometric formula and the Boltzmann equation (continued) Notions on Entropy and Free Energy Intermolecular interactions: Electrostatics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 5 Barometric formula and the Boltzmann equation (continued) Notions on Entropy and Free Energy Intermolecular interactions: Electrostatics

2 Barometric formula n = number of particles per unit volume c = concentration (which is probability) because pressure is proportional to the number of particles p ~ n normalizing to the volume c = n/V in our case U is constant because T is constant Boltzmann:

3 Boltzmann equation uses probabilities the relative populations of particles in states i and j separated by an energy gap - partition function the fraction of particles in each state:  E 2-1  E 3-2 1 3 2

4 S = k lnW Free energy difference  G =  H - T  S W is the number of micro-states e -1 = 0.37 e -2 = 0.135 e -3 = 0.05 e -4 = 0.018 e -5 = 0.007 HH entropic advantage The energy difference here represents enthalpy H = U + W (internal energy +work) For two global states which can be ensembles of microstates: HH p i /p j pipi pjpj

5 Carnot cycle and Entropy V p T1 T2 Q1 - Q2 = W (reversible work) S = k lnW W = number of accessible configurations Q1 Q2

6 At constant T Helmholtz Free Energy

7 Helmholtz Free Energy Gibbs Free Energy


9 What determines affinity and specificity? Tight stereochemical fit and Van der Waals forces Electrostatic interactions Hydrogen bonding Hydrophobic effect All forces add up giving the total energy of binding: G bound – G free = RT ln K d

10 What are all these interactions?

11 Electrostatic (Coulombic) interactions (in SI) r q1q1 q2q2  charge - charge dielectric constant of the medium that attenuates the field ≥ ≥  The Bjerrum length is the distance between two charges at which the energy of their interactions is equal to kT When T = 20 o C,  = 80 l B = 7.12 Ǻ

12 r q  Electrostatic self-energy, effects of size and dielectric constant brought from infinity r q   ? Consider effects of 1. charge 2. size 3. value of  2 relative to  1 on the partitioning between the two phases

13 r q+q+ q-q- What if there are many ions around as in electrolytes? Poisson eqn Solution in the Debye approximation: The radial distribution function shows the probabilities of finding counter-ions and similar ions in the vicinity of a particular charge Point charge and radial symmetry predict a decay that is steeper than exponential K – Debye length, a function of ion concentration same charge ions counter-ions

14 Charge-Dipole and Dipole-Dipole interactions + q’ - q’ a charge - dipole  r dipole moment static with Brownian tumbling d1d1 d2d2 K – orientation factor dependent on angles with Brownian motion static q r

15 Induced dipoles and Van der Waals (dispersion) forces E - + a - polarizability d r constant dipole induced dipole r I 1,2 – ionization energies  1,2 – polarizabilities n – refractive index of the medium induced dipoles (all polarizable molecules are attracted by dispersion forces) neutral molecule in the field d – dipole moment Large planar assemblies of dipoles are capable of generating long-range interactions

16 1/r 2 1/r 6 1/r Long-range and short- range interactions Even without NET CHARGES on the molecules, attractive interactions always exist. In the presence of random thermal forces all charge-dipole or dipole-dipole interactions decay steeply (as 1/r 4 or 1/r 6 ) 1/r 4

17 Interatomic interaction: Lennard-Jones potential describes both repulsion and attraction r = r 0 ( attraction=minimum ) r = 0.89r 0 r = r 0 steric repulsion Bond stretching is often considered in the harmonic approximation:

18 Van der Waals Here is a typical form in which energy of interactions between two proteins or protein and small molecule can be written Ionic pairs + H-bonding removal of water from the contact

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