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Environmental Science Introduction Doing Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Science Introduction Doing Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Science Introduction Doing Science

2 Environmental Science Interdisciplinary study of humanity’s relationship with other organisms and the nonliving physical environment. Encompasses many complex and interconnected problems Human numbers Natural Resources Pollution

3 Environmental Sustainability Ability of the environment to function indefinitely without going into a decline from the stresses imposed by human society on natural systems that maintain life

4 Non-Sustainable Human Behaviors Using nonrenewable resources as if they were present in unlimited supplies Using renewable resources faster than they can be replenished naturally Pollution the environment with toxins as if the capacity to absorb them were limitless Increasing in numbers despite the Earth’s finite ability to support us.

5 Factors Contributing to Environmental Degradation Population Consumption

6 Environmental Impacts

7 Thomas Multhus and Population

8 Human Population Growth

9 Pollution, Population and Consumption

10 Endocrine Disrupters



13 Overfishing: Georges Bank

14 Subsistence Fishing

15 Factory Fishing Boat

16 Overfishing


18 Declining Bird Populations Habitat fragmentation Nest parasitism

19 Nest Parasitism and Habitat Fragmentation Fragmentation of habitat for songbirds is a result of development Increases edges Associated with increased populations of cowbirds

20 Reintroduction of Wolves

21 Exotic Species



24 Stratospheric Ozone Depletion


26 Global Warming


28 Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide

29 Rain Forest Destruction


31 Addressing Environmental Problems

32 Components to Addressing an Environmental Problem Scientific Assessment Risk Analysis Public Education Political Action Follow-through

33 Scientific Method

34 Decision Making and Risk Assessment Hazard Identification Exposure Assessment Toxicity Assessment Risk Characterizatin

35 Perception of Risk

36 Dose-Response: Threshold

37 Dose-Response: No Threshold

38 Cancer Slope Factor

39 Mixtures of Chemicals Additivity Synergy Antagonism

40 Risk Assessment Focus Human Health Ecological

41 Assessing and Managing an Environmental Problem: A Case Study

42 Lake Washington

43 Phosphorous and Lake Washington

44 Phosphorous and Algal Blooms

45 Transparency

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