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Ecosystems: Vocabulary

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1 Ecosystems: Vocabulary
SOL 4.5

2 Behavioral Adaptation
Changes an animal makes to how it behaves or acts that help it meet a life need Example = migration

3 Carnivore Consumer that eats other animals (meat)
Examples = Frogs, wolves, vultures, hyenas

4 Community Populations of species that live in the same place at the same time together

5 Consumer Gets its energy from eating (consuming) other living things
Example = houses, humans, wolves

6 Decomposer Consumer that breaks down dead plants and animals
Examples = bacteria and fungi

7 Ecosystem All the populations and the nonliving components in an environment that interact with each other.

8 Food Chain The path energy takes as animals eat each other
Example = daffodil  rabbit  to fox

9 Food Web All of the food chains in a community

10 Habitat Place or kind of place in which an animal or plant naturally lives

11 Herbivore Consumer that eats plants
Example = elephants and grasshoppers

12 Niche The function that an organism performs in the food web of that community. A niche also includes everything else the organism does or needs in its environment.

13 Omnivore Consumer that eats both plants and animals
Examples = humans and bears

14 Physical (Structural ) Adaptation
Changes to an animal’s body that helps it meet a life need Example = beak shape

15 Population All the organisms of the same species that live in the same place at the same time

16 Predator Carnivores that hunt other animals
Examples = frogs and wolves

17 Producer Makes its own food using the sun’s energy
Example = oak tree and sunflower

18 Scavenger Carnivores that eat dead animals
Example = vultures and hyenas

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