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Henry M. Brader Elementary School.  Phonological Awareness  Alphafriends  Abecedarian  Reading  Teacher Read Aloud  Comprehension  Fluency: Popcorn.

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Presentation on theme: "Henry M. Brader Elementary School.  Phonological Awareness  Alphafriends  Abecedarian  Reading  Teacher Read Aloud  Comprehension  Fluency: Popcorn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Henry M. Brader Elementary School

2  Phonological Awareness  Alphafriends  Abecedarian  Reading  Teacher Read Aloud  Comprehension  Fluency: Popcorn Words  Vocabulary  Guided Reading/Leveled readers  Work Stations  Writing  Writing conventions  Narrative, Opinion, Persuasive  Non-fiction

3  Nonfiction: Your child will be exposed to many nonfiction texts, whether it’s in science class or English language arts.  Evidence: Your child will be required to use evidence/information from a text to support his/her answers.  Close Reading: Students will be asked to comprehend complex and challenging texts.  Writing: Students will be required to do writing in all subjects.

4  Number recognition  0 to 30  Shape recognition  Two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes  Number sense  Identify sets of 0 to 30 using ten frames  Write numerals 0 to 30  Problem Solving  Addition and subtraction word problems up to 10  Graphing and measurement

5 Science  Trees  Push, Pull, Go  Wood and Paper Social Studies  Civics  History  Geography  Economics

6  To practice fine motor development at home  Make an area with a supply box including scissors, pencils, crayons, and glue.  Have your child dress him/herself for school and put on and zip his/her coat.  Manipulate small toys such as pegs, Legos and playdoh  Practice tying shoes  Gross motor development  Movement, exercise, physical education, recess

7  Newsletter  Daily Take-home folders  Behavior slips  Brader BEST newsletter (posted on Brader website 3x/year)  Parent link  Parent-Teacher conferences  Email  Phone

8 The Brader School-wide Principles: R espect O utstanding Attitude A chievement R esponsibilities  Universal Behavior Management System  Children earn Brader PAW bucks when they follow the school-wide principles  PAW bucks can be used to “buy” classroom rewards and the end of year carnival

9 Classroom Parties include :  Fall Festival  Winter Celebration  Valentine’s Day  Spring Fling District policy states that all food for the children has to be pre-packaged and sweets must be accompanied by healthy foods (carrots, apple slices, cheese sticks/cubes). This includes any treats to celebrate birthdays.

10 Report Cards will be sent home 3 times a year Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for:  November 23 rd and 24 th  February 12 th (as needed)  Sign up for November conferences tonight!

11  Weekly homework packet  Monthly reading log and high-frequency words  Other homework as needed  Family projects  Please check your child’s take home folder on a daily basis and remove all papers.  Please place any notes for the teacher or school inside the folder.  All money must be placed in an envelope labeled with the child’s name and its purpose.

12  Field trips and presenters will be scheduled throughout the year.  Our first field trip will be to visit Milburn Orchards on October 21 st.  Mr. Resch: Guest presenter  Trees in the fall  Insects in the spring  Theatre trip  Winterthur Museum

13  When your child is absent a note must be sent in to school within 5 days of the absence.  If your child is absent for 5 consecutive days a doctor’s note is required to excuse the absence.  If a child is absent for more than 18 days, (s)he will be administratively assigned to first grade.

14  Arrival to school begins at 8:45; the instructional day begins at 9:00  Car riders dismissed at 3:30  Walkers/Boys & Girls Club at 3:33  K-1 bus riders at 3:35  Early dismissals must occur before 3:15. Written documentation is required for all early dismissals.  If you are changing your child’s routine dismissal procedure, a note needs to be sent to the teacher via the Take-home folder (24 hour notice is preferred).

15 Please sign up to volunteer for:  Field Trip Chaperone  Volunteer forms must be submitted if you are working with groups of children or chaperoning a group of children  You can attend a trip with your child without a volunteer form but will not be assigned as a chaperone. You will monitor your own child.  Classroom Help  Helping from home

16  Please join the PTT (see the calendar of events you received tonight)  Please volunteer/attend our Friendly’s Nights.  First Friendly's Night: Wednesday, October 21 st, 5:00-8:00  PTT will be scheduling more Friendly’s Nights beginning in January  Cookie dough fundraiser: Kick-off is 9/22  Please check the Brader website for future fundraisers

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