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Poetry December 2010. Poetry Definition: the art made up of poems, texts with charged, compressed language Acute perceptions Vivid impressions Compressed.

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Presentation on theme: "Poetry December 2010. Poetry Definition: the art made up of poems, texts with charged, compressed language Acute perceptions Vivid impressions Compressed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetry December 2010

2 Poetry Definition: the art made up of poems, texts with charged, compressed language Acute perceptions Vivid impressions Compressed language Musically rhythmic use of language Heightened sense of attentiveness

3 Modes of Poetry Prose poem Free verse poem Metrical verse poem

4 Prose Poem Maintains poetic quality Uses fragmentation, compression, repetition and rhyme; not written in discrete lines Can range in length from a few lines to several pages Heightened use of intense, condensed language and metaphors Example – Just Listen by Peter Johnson

5 Free Verse Poem T.S. Eliot wrote, “No verse is free for the man who wants to do a good job.” Lines are not measured in anyway, yet are structured according to repetition and variation of words, phrases, and structure Short-lined free verse Long-lined free verse Variable-length free verse Spatial or typographical arrangement

6 Free Verse Poem Short-lined Range between one syllable and several words An inch or two of type Between one and three stresses Example – Giraffe by Stanley Plumly

7 Free Verse Poem Long-lined Lines stretch between left and right margins More often end-stopped than enjambed Enjambment: the use of a line whose sense and rhythmic movement continues to the next line Example – A Noiseless Patient Spider, Walt Whitman and i carry your heart by e.e. cummings

8 Free Verse Poem Variable-length Mixes short lines with medium-length and long lines Regular irregularity Based on average line that is medium in length, shortening or lengthening for rhythmic or expressive purposes Most common form of free-verse Example – The Soul Selects Her Own Society by Emily Dickinson

9 Free Verse Poem Spatial/typographical Uses the page as a kind of canvas for the spatial arrangement of words, phrases and lines which can be scattered widely or blocked together Example – In Just by e.e. cummings

10 Metrical Verse Poem Lines measured by a regular count of syllables, accents or both, such as a sonnet

11 Metrical Verse Poem - Sonnet A poem of fourteen lines, usually rhymed, usually written in iambic pentameter; a song usurped by ideas

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