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New Nation Faces Challenges 5-2. The United States had difficulties with other nations NOTES 1. Britain refused to turn over its forts in U.S. territory.

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Presentation on theme: "New Nation Faces Challenges 5-2. The United States had difficulties with other nations NOTES 1. Britain refused to turn over its forts in U.S. territory."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Nation Faces Challenges 5-2

2 The United States had difficulties with other nations NOTES 1. Britain refused to turn over its forts in U.S. territory to American control. 2. Britain closed off trade with the British West Indies. 3. Britain placed high tariffs (taxes) on American merchants

3 NOTES Spain closed the lower Mississippi to U.S. shipping. - Made it difficult for farmers to get their goods to market

4 No Notes

5 Internal economic problems plagued the new nation NOTES. The Confederation Congress had no power to control trade between the states. Inflation (vocab word) was high –This meant thing were expensive. Loss of trade with Britain combined with inflation caused an economic depression. –Depression (vocab word) : a time when the economy or making money was low

6 No notes

7 Shays’ Rebellion pointed out weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation NOTES. Daniel Shays led Massachusetts farmers in a revolt over high taxes and heavy debt. Shays’ Rebellion was put down by state troops (militia) in January 1787. Massachusetts wanted help from the national government, but there was no an army !

8 No Notes

9 Many Americans called for changes in the national government NOTES. Shays’ Rebellion showed the weakness of the Confederation government. –People saw that their freedoms were not protected –People called for a stronger central government

10 The Virginia legislature called for a national conference to change the Articles of Confederation. The Constitutional Convention was called in May 1787 in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation. NOTES

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