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Global Warming  Objectives  Explain how humans cause global warming  Describe the effects of global warming on human welfare  Catalyst  What do you.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Warming  Objectives  Explain how humans cause global warming  Describe the effects of global warming on human welfare  Catalyst  What do you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Warming  Objectives  Explain how humans cause global warming  Describe the effects of global warming on human welfare  Catalyst  What do you think of when you hear the phrase “global warming”?

2 Agenda  Catalyst Discussion  The Greenhouse Effect  Who cares about a few degrees?  Effects of global warming  Begin our storybooks  Closing  Exit Question

3 The State of our Environment 11 out of the last 12 years rank among the 15 warmest years in history Our Carbon emissions have increased by 20% since 1990 So what!?

4 The Greenhouse Effect  Key Point #1: The Earth is kept warm by greenhouse gases  Greenhouse gases trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere  The good: greenhouse gases are the reason that there is life on Earth! Without greenhouse gases, Earth would be -18°C

5 The Greenhouse Effect


7 Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 )  Most important greenhouse gas  Remember cellular respiration and photosynthesis!?  CR: animals breathe in O 2, breathe out CO 2  P: plants breathe in CO 2, breathe out O 2

8  Humans have caused an enormous increase in CO 2 concentration since industrial times

9 Global Warming  Global warming is the increase in global average temperature over time.

10 Human Causes of Global warming  Key Point #2: Humans cause global warming by increasing the amount of CO 2 in the atmosphere  Burning fossil fuels Gasoline Coal  Factory production Plastics  Deforestation Fewer trees to breathe in CO 2  Overpopulation Mo’ people, mo’ problems!

11 What this looks like:  Projected temperature rise of 2-5 °C by 2100  Asia and Africa most affected

12 Effects of Global Warming  Key Point #3: If we do not do something to stop global warming, its effects will be CATASTROPHIC CATASTROPHIC!!!

13 Rising Sea Level  Because glaciers are melting

14 Climate Refugees

15 Extreme Weather Events

16 Tropical Diseases

17 Desertification  10-20% less food produced in developing countries  Much of United States farmland will become desert  Massive food shortages

18 Therefore…  Key Point #4: Humans must slow global warming by decreasing the amount of CO 2 in the atmosphere  Burning fewer fossil fuels “Green” energy (solar, wind, water) “Green” cities and buildings  Stop deforestation More trees to breathe in CO 2  Fewer people Fewer people, fewer problems!

19 Green Energy

20 Green cities and building  Build cities so that you don’t have to drive everywhere  Build homes close together  Stores in the middle  Protected areas outside the cities

21 Solutions: Green cities and building  Build homes so that they are energy efficient  LED lights  Insulation  Green roofs

22 LED Lights  Use LESS electricity than regular (incandescent) light bulbs

23 Insulation  Keeps the heat in the house in the winter  Keep the cool air in the house in the summer  Uses LESS electricity to heat and cool your house

24 Green Roofs

25  What are they?  Plants on top of your roof  What are they good for?  Minimize the amount of heating and cooling you need to do to your house

26 Stop Deforestation

27 Fewer People

28 Global Warming Storybook  Inconvenient Truth Exemplar  End product: Produce a comic book explaining…  What the greenhouse effect is  Why the greenhouse effect helps us  Two ways humans cause global warming  Two bad things that will occur if we do not slow down global warming quickly

29 GP/IP  Rough draft: create a storyboard  Sketches of each page  Outline of the plot  Must get Mr. Jhaveri to sign off on the rough draft before you make the final  Final draft:  Will add more panels tomorrow, so DO NOT FORGET AT HOME!!!

30 Closing  The Earth is kept warm by greenhouse gases  Trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere  CO 2  Humans are further warming the Earth by increasing the amount of CO 2 in the atmosphere  If we do not do something to stop global warming, its effects will be CATASTROPHIC  Can you name some examples?

31 Exit Questions  What is global warming, and why does it occur? (Hint: use the words “greenhouse gasses” and “traps”)  What are TWO ways that humans cause global warming?  Describe TWO bad things that will occur if we do not combat global warming now.

32 Extra Credit Read and write a summary of one (or more) of the 5 extra credit readings.

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