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Outpatient TJC Readiness Rounding, April 2012. Status of Rounding Managers have Surveyed 74 of 120+ Clinics.

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Presentation on theme: "Outpatient TJC Readiness Rounding, April 2012. Status of Rounding Managers have Surveyed 74 of 120+ Clinics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outpatient TJC Readiness Rounding, April 2012

2 Status of Rounding Managers have Surveyed 74 of 120+ Clinics

3 “No” Responses

4 “No” Responses: Staff Observations: ◘ Staff practiced appropriate PPE; ◘ Clinical summary is provided to every patient at end of visit. Staff Interviews: ◘ Staff articulate procedures for receiving/communicating/documenting critical results; ◘ Staff articulate how patient care equipment cleaned between patients ; ◘ Staff can articulate communication of handover procedures when admitting to unit/ED or sending to another facility; ◘ Staff can articulate UP/TO process; ◘ Staff can articulate patient involvement in care; ◘ How do you know if a room meets airflow requirements;

5 “No” Responses, cont: Environmental Safety and Cleanliness: ◘ Medications/syringes secure; ◘ O2 tanks secured during transport/usage/storage; ◘ Hallway clearance of 44” in clinic areas; ◘ Clinic area clean/orderly; ◘ Walls/floors/ceiling tiles/vents/furniture clean/good repair; ◘ Temp and humidity in procedural areas monitored and logged Patient Interview: ◘ Verify that patient knows names of staff members assisting them.

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