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Achieving NISBP Targets – Stephen Maguire. Starting Baseline NISBP Av farm size (Ha adj Grassland) 118 (69ha owned) Av Cow herd 93 Av Stocking rate (LU/ha)

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Presentation on theme: "Achieving NISBP Targets – Stephen Maguire. Starting Baseline NISBP Av farm size (Ha adj Grassland) 118 (69ha owned) Av Cow herd 93 Av Stocking rate (LU/ha)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Achieving NISBP Targets – Stephen Maguire

2 Starting Baseline NISBP Av farm size (Ha adj Grassland) 118 (69ha owned) Av Cow herd 93 Av Stocking rate (LU/ha) 1.65 Av GM/ha £248 Av Calving Index (days) 397 Av Kg LWT/ha 567

3 Farm Overview - 39 Ha farmed 2013 (51.1ha 2010) - High rainfall area > 50 inches annually - Traditionally suckler to weanling system - 50 suckler cows – Mainly Sim x lim - Charolais as terminal cross - Replacements purchased in calf - Old swards with low PRG content

4 Herd fertility Calving index 2010201120122013 Calving Index 393371367382 2010201120122013 Months344531.524.7 JFMAMJJASOND 2010 (58)11 1213101 2011 (67)57251462332 2012 (45)41119101 2013 (521210237 2014 (60)913308 Age of heifers at calving Calving spread

5 Improvements in grass production Grass growth 2013 New -13.2tDM/Ha Old – 5.7tDM/Ha

6 Improvements in grass management Rotational grazing Improved soil fertility

7 Baseline Performance 201020112012 (54)(54)(50) Output575794717 Grassland5684110 Concentrates733867 (Kg/cow)(333)(185)(300) Vet, Med Sund.559765 TOTAL VAR 184219234 GROSS MARGIN390575474 AREA (Ha)514544 GROSS MARGIN/Ha413706539

8 Weanling system – 60 cows Weights and value based on 2013 performance WeightValueTotal Value Steers (30)31163018,900 Heifers (18) 2775509,900 Cull Cows (12) DWT 350100012,000 Total output (£40,800 less 5% Mortality) = £38760 or £646 per cow Based on current variable costs GM per cow = £412 GM per Ha = £633

9 Opportunities to increase GM/Ha 1.Grass production currently exceeding stock demand 2012 - 362 tonnes excess silage 2013 – 278 tonnes 2. Increase cows / add value to weaned calf 3. Make better use of spring and autumn grass growth 4. Continue to improve herd fertility 5. Refine breeding of replacements

10 Improvements in grassland management Carry over of stock capable of utilising spring grass

11 Improvements in grassland management Earlier weaning of calves has allowed : 1.Extended autumn grazing of calves 2. Reduced silage demand for cows

12 Male calf management Kg LWTLWGConcentrate feeding Birth 1 st March45 1.0kg for 245days 0.7kg for 136days 1.0kg for 75 days Cow – 2kg/d (30days) Calf 1kg/d (60days) Housing 1 st Nov290 2kg/day (136days) Turnout 17 th March385 Sale 31 st May4601kg/day (30 days) 422kg Target Performance

13 Female calf management Kg LWTLWGConcentrate feeding Birth 1 st March40 1.0kg for 245days 0.6kg for 136days 1.0kg for 75 days Cow – 2kg/d (30days) Calf - 1kg/d (60days) Housing 1 st Nov285 2kg/day (136days) Turnout 17 th March367 Sale 31 st May4421kg/day (30 days) 422kg Target Performance

14 Summary Output - 30 Steers 440kgs @ £900 = £27,000 - 18 Heifers 420kgs @ £840 = 15,120 - 12 Cull Cow 350DW @ £1000 = 12,000 (£54,120) Less Allow 5% Mortality/ loss - £2706 Cost of replacing bull per yr - £1000 Total Output = £50,414 Grassland- 8,600 Meal & Straw - 6,451 Vet/Ai/Misc- 3,900 TOTAL VAR.- 18,951 TOTAL GROSS MARGIN = £31,463 TOTAL HECTARES (39) GROSS MARGIN PER HECTARE = £806 Aim to have 60 calves per year with 12 suitable heifers in calf

15 Summary Grassland cost Fertiliser – 96 acres @ 5bags/acre = 24tonnes@ £300/t = £7200 Lime – 10 acres per year @ £40/acre = £400 Grass seed – 10 acres per year @ £70/acre = £700 Sprays = £300 TOTAL GRASSLAND = £8,600

16 Meeting these targets - Maintain and improve herd fertility - Body condition management - Target bulling and calving weights - Use of maternal genetics - Continual improvement of grass production and utilisation - Refine rotational grazing plans - Silage budgeting - Monitor and address soil fertility - Continual monitoring of cattle performance. - Identify best & poorest performers - Defined animal health plan

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