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TribeTIME 2015-2016 Targeted Intervention Means Excellence.

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2 TribeTIME 2015-2016 Targeted Intervention Means Excellence

3  Academic Development  Access to academic support in the needed subject at the needed time.  Time during the school day to complete work.  Personal Development  Opportunity to explore areas of interest.  Ability to exercise decision making.

4 Targeted Intervention Means Excellence  Monday and Thursday – Advisory Days  All students are assigned to an advisory class by grade level for the school year.  Teacher organizes the class environment  Teacher-Student Mentoring Access grades and attendance Plan Flexday choices  Study Skills  Peer-to-Peer Tutoring  Silent Reading/Study Hall  College/Career Planning

5 Targeted Intervention Means Excellence  Tuesday and Wednesday – FLEXdays  Make-up tests/quizzes/labs  Access extra help  Study Hall  Silent Reading  Mandatorials – teacher requests student  Explore your interests  Teachers open up classroom to go beyond required curriculum Club meetings  Counseling Groups  FLEX ROOMS: The Library, Staff Cafeteria, and a computer lab will be open for student use.

6 Targeted Intervention Means Excellence  Attendance  Monday and Thursday the advisory teacher will take attendance on Aeries.  Tuesday and Wednesday students will sign-in to the class. The sign-in sheets will be collected and reviewed.  Students outside of a classroom after the tardy bell will be escorted to a detention room.  Consequences include loss of Friday extended lunch and/or Saturday School.

7 Targeted Intervention Means Excellence  Friday – Extended lunch for all students

8 Targeted Intervention Means Excellence Start TimeEnd TimeLength Zero Period6:52 AM7:45 AM53 min 1 st Period7:50 AM8:43 AM53 min 2 nd Period8:48 AM9:41 AM53 min Break9:41 AM9:51 AM10 min 3 rd Period9:56 AM10:49 AM53 min 4 th Period10:54 AM11:50 AM56 min TribeTIME 11:55 AM12:20 PM25 min Lunch12:20 PM12:50 PM30 min 5 th Period12:55 PM1:48 PM53 min 6 th Period1:53 PM2:46 PM53 min TribeTIME is held Monday – Thursday except when an assembly schedule or early release schedule is in effect.

9 Targeted Intervention Means Excellence 714-626-3905

10 Targeted Intervention Means Excellence preparing for college preparing for careers preparing for LIFE

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