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1 Using Jupiter and Satellites Akiya Miyamoto KEK Jan 2006.

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1 1 Using Jupiter and Satellites Akiya Miyamoto KEK Jan 2006

2 2 Target of Jupiter/Satellites/Uranus Jupiter and Satellites are tools for detector optimization based on Geant4 Full detector simulation.  Implement an ideal “GLD” geometry in Jupiter ( other geometry is also possible )  Study PFA performances by an ultimate condition  Implement “tower” calorimeter  Develop analysis tools  Study physics performance vs. detector choice.  Not for simulation studies for beam test studies A study by detector simulation is also crucial for the design of the IR design of ILC.

3 Jupiter/Satellites Concepts JUPITER JLC Unified Particle Interaction and Tracking EmulatoR IO Input/Output module set URANUS LEDA Monte-Calro Exact hits To Intermediate Simulated output Unified Reconstruction and ANalysis Utility Set Library Extention for Data Analysis METIS Satellites Geant4 based Simulator JSF/ROOT based Framework JSF: the analysis flow controller based on ROOT The release includes event generators, Quick Simulator, and simple event display MC truth generator Event Reconstruction Tools for simulation Tools For real data

4 4 Jupiter bindocincludeconfiglibmacrosscriptssourcestmp bdcalcd c tpc ct it vtx ir srcinclude kernlcexpsolmain Sub-Detector files Linux-g++ Jupiter Readme common.gmk Sample G4 scripts Detector components to use are switched by CPP flags in or parameters in JSFJ4 Jupiter Directory Structure

5 5 Standalone Jupiter $ Jupiter [options] [g4macro file] options: -v N : N is a message level. > 10 ; Write message every time new geometry is created. 5-10 ; Write message of geometry whose rank is less than N-4. < 5 ; No message is written at geometry creation. -f FILE : Read parameters from the file FILE More than one -f option can be specified. In this case a value in the first file is used. -w : Write default parameters defined in the program to the file, jupiter.defaults -help : Print help message Useful to display events and debug

6 6 G4macro file Commands to Geant4 and Jupiter are provided as a g4macro file. A list of commands can be found at When Jupiter is executed as a standalone application interactively, help command can be used to get help information.

7 7 Jupiter parameter list file Parameters for detector configuration can be modified by a parameter file given by –f option. $JUPITERROOT/doc/HowToRun for more details Standard configuration file as of Jan 2006 is at

8 8 Satellites/Uranus

9 9 JSFJ4 Interface to run Jupiter in JSF environment. Allows to write  Jupiter output by ROOT or LCIO  Use generators in JSF or StdHep format file. Satellites package reads ROOT file created by JSFJ4

10 10 Metis package Metis is a collection of reconstruction tools for Jupiter data. Current aim is to prepare a minimum set of Metis modules for studies of Particle Flow Algorithm. Novice users will be able to do physics analysis using information of PFO classes. As a first step, a cheated track finder and a cluster maker, etc are in preparation in order to know ultimate performance. Each module is independent, thus shall be easy to implement different reconstruction algorithm according to interests  Development of a real clustering code begins recently

11 11 make smeared TPC hits from exact hit make tracks from TPC make hybrid tracks ( TPC+IT+VTX) make smeared/merged CAL hits from exact hit make cluster from CAL hits make Particle Flow Objects jet clustering Jupiter result Physics study Metis Analysis Flow

12 12 …. cd c vtx Satellites bin src lib include test iojsfj4 mctruth kern examples Run Jupiter in JSF to create a ROOT file cal S4xxxExactHit class = J4xxxHit class metis Satellites Directory Structure Leda j42lcio Output LCIO data examples macro

13 13 cal metis tpchitmaker trackmaker hybthybtmaker hitmaker (JSF’s) Modules for MC data analysis make smeared TPC hits from exact hit make tracks from TPC make hybrid tracks ( TPC+IT+VTX) make smeared/merged CAL hits from exact hit clustermaker make cluster from CAL hits pfo pfomaker make Particle Flow Objects Metis Directory Structure jet jetmaker make jet Objects

14 14 Uranus data src lib include kern hybt VTX Uranus Directory Structure Packages for real data analysis IT TPC detconfig hitmaker trackmaker

15 15 U4XXXTrackHit S4XXXTrackHit U4VTrackHit double fResidual double fT0 U4VHit *fHitPointer U4VTrack U4XXXTrack TObjArray S4XXXTrack double fChi2 U4VTrackMaker* fU4V JSFHelicalTrack* fHT U4XXXHit S4XXXHit double fError S4XXXExactHit *Hit Relation among TrackHits

16 16 Relation among CAL Hits S4CALHit S4VHit TObjectTAttLockable +GetExactHitsPtr() +GetAddress() +GetHitPosition() + GetCALType() +GetClusterType() S4CALExactHit + GetPreHitPtr() S4VExactHit GetAddressPtr() GetSmearedHitPtr()

17 17 Typical results

18 18 Momentum resolution Exact hit points created by single  were fitted by Kalman filter package  pt /p t 2 (GeV -1 ) By A.Yamaguchi(Tsukuba)

19 19 By A.L.C.Sanchez (Niigata U.) Linearity is good, but to get energy resolution similar to beam test results, Randge cut of O(1)  m is required. It is very small and we don’t know why we need O(1)  m. EM Cal Performance

20 20 Cheated Particle Flow Analysis Key point of PFA is use Cal. signals only for neutral particles  Remove CAL signal if connected to a track Use Simulation information to connect track and cal. signals  Cheated PFA What affects jet energy resolution  Signal sampling fluctuation in Cal.  Tracker resolution  Treatment of V0, decays,and interactions before Cal.  … more  Understand factors which affect resolution A sample detector signal

21 21 Cheated PFO analysis ZH event at Ecm=500 GeV By K.Fujii(KEK), S.Yamamoto(GUAS), A.Yamaguchi(Tsukuba) - Exact hit points of TPC and CAL are displayed. -Hits belong to the same PFO are shown with the same color -A framework of event display in JSF is used.

22 X3D ROOT’s X3d view of the same event

23 X3D-Jet Same event, after a forced 4-jet clustering on PFObjects

24 24 Jet energy resolution e + e -  Z  q qbar at sqrt(E)=91.1GeV By Sumie Yamamoto

25 25  E for Perfect CAL./Tracker Jet energy resolution when resolution of CAL and tracker are perfect. GeV/c 2 Contribution of each detector Total 2.7 GeV HD Cal 2.0 EM Cal 1.2 Tracker 0.4 Others 1.4 (under investigation) By Sumie Yamamoto

26 26 Satellites examples Exam01 Exam02 Exam03 Exam04 Exam05 Exam06 Exam07 Exam08 Exam09 Analysis code examples

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