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NAME HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL WORKING GROUP Motivation and Coordinated Activities.

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Presentation on theme: "NAME HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL WORKING GROUP Motivation and Coordinated Activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 NAME HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL WORKING GROUP Motivation and Coordinated Activities

2 Connecting the Hydrologic Cycle… Exploration of Terrestrial Linkages  Leverage on the body of scientific and human dimensions research currently proposed under NAME to: Improve hydrometerological and hydroclimatic process knowledge and contribute to dynamic management of water resources in the NAM region.

3 Hydroclimatic Linkages in NAME Precipitation Evaporation Deep Percolation

4 Hydroclimatic Linkages in NAME Precipitation Evaporation Intensity : Frequency : Duration : Areal Coverage : Forcing Soils : Vegetation Dynamics : Antecedent Moisture : Forcing

5 Previous Findings… (Dettinger and Diaz, JHM 1(4), 289-310; Gochis et al., 2003, JHM, in press. )  Latitudinal transition to a summer-dominated regime proceeding southward from Mogollon Rim.

6 Previous Findings…  Climatological peak flows tend to lag peak precipitation by 1-2 months (Dett.&Diaz, ibid.)  Interannual streamflow values are linked to both ENSO (Magana,1999) and PDO (Brito-Castillo et al., Atmosfera, 2002) but there exists both constructive and destructive tendencies in correlation structure.  Evidence via diagnostics and modeling results of possible feedbacks between soil moisture and snow cover and the strength of the North American Monsoon system (NAMS).

7 Previous Findings…  Existence of a midsummer drought in parts of Mexico, peripheral to the “core” monsoon region of the SMO.  Smaller scale basin responses dominated by precipitation structure: short-duration (0.5-1.0hr) high-intensity (10- 100mm/hr) storms. (Michaud et al. 2001) But…likely that many catchment-scale studies remain to be translated from Spanish- speaking literature and CNA reports !

8 Lingering Uncertainties…  How are seasonal and shorter term, higher-order precipitation characteristics related to streamflow?  Given the uncertainty in precipitation observations, what confidence is there in existing estimations of runoff fractions? What fraction is recycled to the atmosphere?  What influences do the meso-climates, terrain and vegetation of the SMO, the Mexican plateau and the coastal regions have on hydrological cycling/partitioning?

9 Meso-climate aspects of the NAM Precipitation Evaporation Intensity : Frequency : Duration : Areal Coverage : Forcing Soils : Vegetation Dynamics : Antecedent Moisture : Forcing

10 Meso-climate aspects of the NAM

11 Lingering Uncertainties…  How are seasonal and longer term, higher-order precipitation characteristics related to streamflow?  Given the uncertainty in precipitation observations, what confidence is there in existing estimations of runoff fractions? What fraction is recycled to the atmosphere?  What influences do the meso-climates, terrain and vegetation of the SMO, the Mexican plateau and the coastal regions have on hydrological cycling/partitioning?  To what extent do soil moisture and snow anomalies affect the evolution of the North American Monsoon, and can such relationships (if any) be demonstrated using long-term derived soil moisture and snow data sets?

12 Broad Goals of the NHWG:  Build relationships to Mexican and U.S. water resource managers and the NAME atmospheric research community for determination of critical information requirements necessary for dynamic water resources management.  Inventory and document availability and quality of hydrographic and physiographic data over the NAM region.  Identify critical processes and scales, which govern the generation of runoff, its movement over catchments, streamflow and moisture recycling to the atmosphere.  Improve existing frameworks for hydrologic simulation, ultimately resulting in measured increases in predictability.

13 Avenues for Opportunity…. Rainfall-Runoff Process Studies Mexican Investigators + International NAME Research Comm. Improved Process Understanding and Improved Hydrologic Predictability Land Surface Forcing/Feedback Studies

14 Building NHWG Linkages… NHWG International NAME Research Comm. intra-seasonal variability (MJO) remote forcing (SST) extreme event likelihood (T.S.’s) Mexican Investigators water user/manager informatics local practices/policies data retrieval and sharing technology transfer

15 Hydrographic Data Archive NAME NETWORKMEXICAN NETWORK Unified, Quality Controlled Dataset Standardized Data Formats w/ Metadata

16 Data Synthesis for Hydrological Modeling GIS FIELDS INITIALIZATION & FORCING DATA Unified, Quality Controlled Dataset Standardized Data Formats w/ Metadata Radiation Temperature Wind Precipitation Soil Moisture

17 Endgame: Improve Existing Frameworks in Simulation… …Resulting in Increased Predictability NHWG Increased Process Knowledge Standardized Data Archive for Simulation, Calibration and Verification Knowledge of Large- Scale Hydroclimatic Controls Increased Awareness of Water User/Manager Needs and Constraints


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