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MNEMONICS It is an alternate way of entering a program. Consists of codes corresponding to each ladder element. Enter these into the programming panel.

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Presentation on theme: "MNEMONICS It is an alternate way of entering a program. Consists of codes corresponding to each ladder element. Enter these into the programming panel."— Presentation transcript:

1 MNEMONICS It is an alternate way of entering a program. Consists of codes corresponding to each ladder element. Enter these into the programming panel. It is then translated into machine language. The mnemonics used in Mitsubishi F series PLCs is as shown in the following slide.

2 MITSUBISHI MNEMONICS MNEMONICS FUNCTION LDStart a rung with an open contact OUTAn output ANDA series element and so an AND logic instruction ORParallel elements and so an OR logic instruction IA NOT logic instruction … IUsed in conjunction with other instructions to indicate the inverse ORIAn OR NOT logic function ANIAn AND NOT logic function LDIStart a rung with a closed contact ANBAND used with two subcircuits ORBOR used with two subcircuits RSTReset shift register/counter SHFShift KInsert a constant ENDEnd ladder

3 AND system StepInstructionNotation 0LDX400 1ANDX401 2OUTY430

4 OR system StepInstructionNotation 0LDX400 1ORX401 2OUTY430

5 NOR system StepInstructionNotation 0LDIX400 1ANIX401 2OUTY430

6 NAND system StepInstructionNotation 0LDIX400 1ORIX401 2OUTY430

7 XOR system StepInstructionNotation 0LDX400 1ANIX401 2LDIX400 3ANDX401 4ORB 5OUTY430

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