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Bangladesh Floods. A view from space! Background Information last 20 years.  1987 – 2500 killed and one million left homeless  1988 – 5000 killed.

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Presentation on theme: "Bangladesh Floods. A view from space! Background Information last 20 years.  1987 – 2500 killed and one million left homeless  1988 – 5000 killed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bangladesh Floods


3 A view from space!

4 Background Information last 20 years.  1987 – 2500 killed and one million left homeless  1988 – 5000 killed as two thirds of Bangladesh underwater.  1991 – 130,000 killed!!! (see video)  1998 – 500 killed. 80,000 homes destroyed.  2004 – 650 dead. 2.6 million homes badly damaged. £4 Billion in damage.  2007 (Aug) – 250 dead  2007 (Nov 17 th ) – over 2000 dead and counting!!

5 In Your Books  Divide your page up into the following sections.  Location  Causes of Floods  Effects of floods  Solutions

6 LocationCauses EffectsSolutions Flooding Concepts

7 Mystery

8 What is a Mystery activity?  Think of a police detective or inspector  In these situations someone is trying to solve a problem (crime)  They use clues to work out different ‘theory’s’  They discuss these theory’s and disregard some in favour of others  They end up with an outcome (not always correct)

9 What skills will I develop?  Working with others (in teams)  Interpreting information - Problem solving  Communication – asking questions / sharing theory’s  Improving own learning – altering and re- arranging your theory’s so that they answer the question  EXPLAINING

10 Why is Sanjay’s home insurance so high??? The Mystery Question on Bangladesh


12 Bangladesh is in Asia High winds during cyclones, bring large waves called Storm Surges Low pressure over the Bay of Bengal gives winds of up to 200km/hr Sanjay lives with his wife and 4 children Sanjay has a field just outside the village where he grows vegetables Rainfall is concentrated into a few months Sanjay’s mother and father drowned 11 years ago Sanjay lives in a small rural village in the Ganges Delta The area where Sanjay lives is low-lying The river is held back by small levees above the level of the surrounding land A levee is an earth bank which is designed to hold back a river Bangladeshi Authorities and international aid groups are worried about the people who live around the River Ganges The area is poor and cannot afford a barrage. Deforestation has occurred in the Himalayas The area around Sanjay’s village is intensively farmed. Sanjay’s village maybe small, but there are many people living in farms around the village

13 There is no TV or radio in Sanjay’s village High winds and tides combine to form storm surges The Bay of Bengal is a funnel shape and gets shallower towards the coast. If the ground is saturated then surface run-off will be very high Improving roads around the Ganges Delta The river can spread quickly across flat land The Ganges Delta is part of the floodplain of the River Ganges Tropical rains called monsoons bring large amounts of rain The banks of the River Ganges need to be reinforced The land around the River Ganges is very flat The Bangladeshi authorities want better weather forecasting using satellites People are being encouraged to build houses on raised mounds Concrete shelters could be built Silt has been washed off the Himalayas which blocks the river channels Sanjay wants to provide for his own family A normal high tide can be increased by up to 8 metres by a storm surge

14 Why is Sanjay’s home insurance so high? Look through the cards and sort them into 3 piles under the headings: Causes Solutions Background Once you have your 3 piles, take the causes cards and sort them into 3 piles under the headings: Climate Relief Human EITHER Design an A4 poster to show the information you have found out (using all of the cards!) - Somewhere on the poster, it must say why Sanjay’s home insurance is so high! OR WRITE A SHORT ESSAY TYPE QUESTION USING ALL THE CARDS. AGAIN YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR ANSWER TO THE MYSTERY QUESTION.

15 Background Info: + Map Why is Sanjay’s house insurance so high? About Sanjay: Causes of Floods What can be done to reduce their house insurance? Solutions Show some pictures of the solutions Facts & Figures FLOODING OF BANGLADESH

16 Bangladesh Flood of 1991 approx 130,000 killed! Video 93 part 4

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