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Broadcast 1. Why is broadcast writing different?  Broadcast news and print news are different because of their intended audience.  Broadcast news must.

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Presentation on theme: "Broadcast 1. Why is broadcast writing different?  Broadcast news and print news are different because of their intended audience.  Broadcast news must."— Presentation transcript:

1 Broadcast 1

2 Why is broadcast writing different?  Broadcast news and print news are different because of their intended audience.  Broadcast news must be written differently because -  Broadcast news is meant to be heard, not read.  Unlike print, which lasts forever, once words are spoken on a broadcast they are gone.  Broadcast news is meant for quick, up-to-the-date information, not detailed stories. Source - Reporting for the Media and Beginning Radio-TV Newswriting

3 Similarities  Both broadcast journalism and print journalism…  require background research.  emphasize similar news elements.  require good writers and spellers to be effective. Source - Reporting for the Media and Beginning Radio-TV Newswriting

4 Writing for a Listener  Broadcast journalists must think in terms of listener time.  People are often doing other activities while watching or listening to broadcast news.  Competing activities, audiences’ short attention spans, and the task of writing for the ear make broadcast writing challenging. Source - Reporting for the Media and Beginning Radio-TV Newswriting

5 Broadcast 1

6 Rewriting  A lot of broadcast newswriting involves rewriting.  Most broadcast news stories come from wire copy, news releases, scripts, and notes and must be rewritten.  It is very important to understand what you are rewriting.  If you don’t understand it, how will your audience? Source - Reporting for the Media and Beginning Radio-TV Newswriting

7 Rewriting  To successfully rewrite a story for broadcast, follow these steps:  1. Read the source copy a couple of times, then put it aside.  2. Ask yourself the 6 major questions of jouralism – who? what? when? where? why? and how? – to make sure you understand the story.  3. Retell the story to yourself or someone else IN YOUR OWN WORDS! Source - Reporting for the Media and Beginning Radio-TV Newswriting

8 Rewriting  4. Without looking back at the original, begin rewriting the story IN YOUR OWN WORDS!  Remember…  Don’t just rearrange words – make it your own.  Everyone else is using similar source material – you have to make your version of the story unique.  Your story doesn’t have to be better than the original, but it does have to be different. Source - Reporting for the Media and Beginning Radio-TV Newswriting

9 Short, Simple Sentences  When rewriting for broadcast, remember to keep sentences short and simple.  A good sentence in a broadcast story should be no more than 20 words.  Even though sentences should be short and simple, avoid “choppy” writing like “See Spot run. Spot runs fast.”  Create a conversational flow and rhythm to your writing. Source - Reporting for the Media and Beginning Radio-TV Newswriting

10 Short, Simple Sentences  Alternate short and long sentences.  Alternate simple, declarative sentences with sentences starting with and, but, or because.  The subject-verb-object format is best for broadcast writing.  Example: The boy caught the ball.  Example: The criminal robbed the bank.  Example: The hurricane destroyed the town. Source - Reporting for the Media and Beginning Radio-TV Newswriting

11 Short, Simple Sentences  Use skinny sentences!  Don’t “fatten” your sentences with excess words like adjectives and adverbs.  Let verbs give color to your writing.  Remember…  Broadcast writing is written for the ear, so it should sound like a conversation.  Simple sentences work best for broadcast.  Write the way you talk! Source - Reporting for the Media and Beginning Radio-TV Newswriting

12 Brevity  Unlike print journalists, broadcast writers must deal with time constraints.  Aside from deadlines, most broadcast journalists must write their stories to fit a 30 second time slot.  In just a few seconds, you must tell the news, explain why it is news, and give as many important details as possible. Source - Reporting for the Media and Beginning Radio-TV Newswriting

13 Brevity  Although you must be brief, make sure you include all necessary detail. Don’t leave out essential information or distort the meaning of the story.  YOU have to be the editor – decide what is important for your audience and tell them.  Always ask WHY and include reasons for events and actions. Source - Reporting for the Media and Beginning Radio-TV Newswriting

14 Brevity  Remember…  You must tell a complex story in only a few seconds, so keep it short.  Include only necessary details.  Don’t leave out important information.  YOU must decide what is important for the audience to know.  Always ask WHY. Source - Reporting for the Media and Beginning Radio-TV Newswriting

15 Helping Listeners  Don’t cram sentences with several separate facts.  Most sentences should be limited to one single fact or image.  Take each story one step – or sentence – at a time.  Use a simple vocabulary – there is no room for “10-dollar” words in broadcasting. Source - Reporting for the Media and Beginning Radio-TV Newswriting

16 Helping Listeners UseDon’t Use Anger Need Cuts Try Question Give Start Dead Indignation Require Lacerations Attempt Interrogate Contribute Ignite Deceased Source - Reporting for the Media and Beginning Radio-TV Newswriting

17 Helping Listeners  Remember…  Use only one main idea per sentence.  Take stories one sentence at a time.  Keep vocabulary simple – use “nickel and dime” words rather than “10-dollar” ones. Source - Reporting for the Media and Beginning Radio-TV Newswriting

18 Talk it Out  Remember that broadcast writing is meant to be heard. It often helps to say sentences out loud before writing them down.  After you have written your story, read it aloud and listen to how it sounds.  Stories should sound as if they are being told, not read. Source - Reporting for the Media and Beginning Radio-TV Newswriting

19 10 Tips for Broadcast Writing  1. Be original and tell stories in your own words, not the source’s.  2. Use short sentences, but create a conversational flow.  3. Use “skinny” sentences without many adverbs or adjectives.  4. Be brief and concise.  5. Only include important details, and be sure to include the WHY. Source - Reporting for the Media and Beginning Radio-TV Newswriting

20 10 Tips for Broadcast Writing  6. Only use one major fact per sentence, and take stories one sentence at a time.  7. Use simple vocabulary – there is no room for 10-dollar words in broadcast writing.  8. Talk it out! Make sure everything sounds right.  9. Make sure stories are easy for announcers to read.  10. Think and write like you talk. Source - Reporting for the Media and Beginning Radio-TV Newswriting

21 Now it’s your turn…  You are now taking on the role of a broadcast journalist.  From now until the end of the semester, you will be responsible for rewriting one broadcast story per week. This will be called a copy card.  Here’s what you do…  1. Find a story from the internet or a current newspaper. Source - Reporting for the Media and Beginning Radio-TV Newswriting

22 Now it’s your turn…  2. On a piece of paper, write the name of the source, the author of the original article, and the date of the original article’s publication.  3. On you paper, rewrite the original article as if it were being written for broadcast.  4. Staple the original article to the back of your copy card before you turn it in.  Copy cards will be due each Wednesday at the beginning of class.  Copy cards will be worth a 150 point daily grade. Source - Reporting for the Media and Beginning Radio-TV Newswriting

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