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Absolute Monarchs & the Divine Right

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1 Absolute Monarchs & the Divine Right

2 A. Charles V (H.R.E.) Charles V attempts to unify Europe under the H.R.E. founder of the Habsburg dynasty of Austria (also inherits throne of Spain) single minded purpose: prevent expansion of Islam by the Ottoman Empire into Europe Ottomans defeated in 1529, yet failed to unify Europe “Wars of Religion” spread - Peace of Augsburg (1555): gives German princes right to decide whether Catholic or Lutheran

3 Charles V & Henrietta Maria
Habsburg coat of arms

4 B. Religious Policies Spain: “Spanish Inquisition” against Jews, Muslims, & Protestants France: Prince Henry IV (started Bourbon dynasty) converts from a Huguenot to Catholicism - revokes Edict of Nantes (France Catholic & NO religious toleration)

5 Saint Bartholemew’s Day Massacre,
August Slaughter of some 3,000 Protestants (Huguenots) in Paris, more than 2,000 elsewhere in France

6 England: Henry VIII (started Tudor dynasty) creates Church of England in order to divorce 1st wife Catherine of Aragon for not bearing a male son…Anglican Church created Catherine of Aragon: daughter—Mary Anne Boleyn daughter—Elizabeth Jane Seymour son—Edward Anne of Cleves Catherine Howard Catherine Parr

7 Portrait, Henry VIII of England

8 C. English Civil War Elizabeth I (the “Virgin” Queen) dies without an heir to the throne Elizabeth’s cousin King James I starts Stuart dynasty James espoused the “divine right of kings” (to take power from Parliament) “Kings are not only God’s lieutenants upon earth and sit upon God’s throne, but by God himself they are called Gods…I will not be content that my power be disputed upon.”

9 Causes of the Civil War:
the Puritans were alienated by James’ defense of the Anglican church large part of House of Commons was controlled by Puritans James I dies, his son Charles I becomes king - Charles I asserts more absolute authority & Parliament refuses to approve tax requests - Charles dissolves Parliament

10 Civil War: a “Rump” Parliament orders Charles I beheaded in 1649…his son flees to France led by Oliver Cromwell the “Roundhead” army defeats the royal army of the Cavaliers Cromwell names himself “Lord Protector” & institutes strict Puritan law…gets executed Charles II (“Merry” Monarch) invited back to England

11 The “Glorious” Revolution of 1688
death of Charles II: James II favors Catholicism so Parliament chooses their own king: --Mary Queen of Scots & husband William of Orange clear limits are placed on power of King with the English Bill of Rights (constitutional monarchy)

12 D. Louis XIV: The “Sun” King (r. 1643-1715)

13 Goal: centralize power (policy of “raison d’etat”) by using intendants: royal civil servants
“L’etat c’est moi” Economics: mercantilism of Colbert Nation’s strength = wealth in gold (bullion) make France self-sufficient (no outflow of gold then) acquired Canada & Louisiana (colonies) Palace of Versailles 1. nobles forced to move to palace financial drain

14 Chateau of Versailles, Palace of Louis XIV

15 Aerial View of Versailles (Contemporary)


17 “Hall of Mirrors” at the palace of Versailles

18 E. The Thirty Years’ War conflict between Protestants & Catholics in the H.R.E. also a Bourbon-Habsburg rivalry ended by Peace of Westphalia (1648): new political unit in central Europe, a sovereign state

19 Reformation in Europe after
Thirty Years’ War ( )

20 F. War of the Spanish Succession:
NO king of Spain…so Louis XIV’s grandson Phillip becomes king of Spain Upset the Balance of Power: England, Austria, & Prussia unite against France 3. Peter the Great of Russia (r ) begins modernization & absolutism campaign focusing on Europe more than Asia

21 Peter the Great, Russia

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